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The Surface Book Saga


New Member
- I purchased a Surface Pro 3 (512G/i7) in October. Three weeks later, it fell on the floor in the library and the screen shattered. Sent it for repairs, came back "irreparable".
- Wanting a replacement, I ordered a Surface Book 256GB/i7 on November 2nd.
- It arrived 3 weeks later in Nov 25. When I turned it on, instead of navigating me through the setup process, it was asking me for a username/password for "other user" as if it had already been setup.
- I looked through the discussion threads and found the instructions to reset it.
- I went through the setup process and left it plugged in overnight.
- Next morning, it would not turn on. Went again to the discussion boards and found the "double button off".
- The unit went into a "recovery mode". I started the reset process but every time it ended in a "critical_process_failure"
- I created a USB boot drive by downloading the recovery from Microsoft then rebooted from the USB. It seemed to work for the first few minutes but died again.
- I contacted the Microsoft Surface Support. I explained what I did and the support specialist told me I needed to replace the hardware. I was offered to either ship the unit back or take an advanced replacement which would be much faster.
- I selected the advanced replacement approach and a hold was put on my credit card for $2800 ... I was told the new unit was in stock and would be delivered in 3 to 5 days. This was November 28th.
- 1 week later, no sign of the replacement. I call the Microsoft Surface support again. I am told there was a delay but my unit is now en route ... This was December 3rd

- Now we are December 9 and I am getting restless. Its been 10 days. I call back support again. This time I am directed to "business" support. After waiting 30 minutes, I am told my case was opened as a consumer case... I am transferred to the "home user" department.... I wait 30 minutes than the support specialist asks me all the same questions again. After a while, they tell me they can't find my case and asks if I originally called the English support, apparently its a different department altogether so I have to call back and ask for English support. One hour into this process I finally talk to someone who finds my case. She tells me there is something she does not understand and that my file is going to be transferred to the care department and someone will call me back...
- As of this morning, Dec 14th, no one has called me back. I call support again. The support specialist is now telling me the reason I have not received the replacement is because there is no stock!!! It is being manufactured and at some unknown point in the future I will receive a replacement.
- I ask to speak to a supervisor, I get the same answer, date TBD ...
I have now paid over $2k for the broken Surface Pro3, $3k for the Surface Book that was DOA, another $3k hold on my credit card and have no working PC, no expected date, no hope :)
Welcome to the forum

What a nightmare. Had you considered getting the Complete Care package? That would have halted your issues at the first paragraph. The rest is just plain nuts.
Geez, that definitely qualifies as a "saga"... and a sad one at that. Sorry you're going through so much just to get a working product. I can't imagine anyone at MS being okay with your customer experience.
see? it's horror stories like this that make my blood boil... we are not talking about a $200 device! then you hear other stories of people getting such fantastic service! its such a hit N miss with MS customer care! :confused:
If I were you I would have just purchased the Complete Warranty, even after you dropped it. There is nothing unethical about that since Microsoft gives you 45 days after purchase to add the complete warranty.

Have you tried to see if your credit card has Purchase Assurance? They may cover the first Surface Book.

Also, is there no Microsoft Store in your area? They would normally do a on the spot exchange for you. Why deal with the shipping if you don't have to? I have always received excellent customer service in the stores.
If I were you I would have just purchased the Complete Warranty, even after you dropped it.
I can't specifically say for MS, but MOST companies [read: Apple, cell phone companies] require you bring your device in to verify that it is in perfect working order before selling you these plans nowadays, SPECIFICALLY to avoid people buying these warranties after the fact.
If I were you I would have just purchased the Complete Warranty, even after you dropped it. There is nothing unethical about that since Microsoft gives you 45 days after purchase to add the complete warranty.

Have you tried to see if your credit card has Purchase Assurance? They may cover the first Surface Book.

Also, is there no Microsoft Store in your area? They would normally do a on the spot exchange for you. Why deal with the shipping if you don't have to? I have always received excellent customer service in the stores.
They won't let you purchase Complete any more after you purchased a Surface unless you take it to a MS store for examination first.
That's terrible and would probably put me off buying another Microsoft product! Luckily whenever I've dealt with them they've been fine.
See if you can get the complete warranty whenever you do get this one replaced. Its worth it on the Surface line, I have had it on all of my devices and the only one that didn't need it was my original surface RT. I have had all of the surface products except the SP2, and all the others have needed it.