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Transferring files between PC and Surface?


New Member
Anyone found a good way to transfer files (photos, music, etc) between a PC and the Surface, without using a USB drive? It's kind of a pain to use a USB Drive. It requires copying everything twice and when you are talking gigabytes, it's quite slow.
Joining a homegroup on your network, so you could use your shared folders/libraries. Or using the sdcard and integrate it to your libraries.
my laptop that stores all my music and films automatically showed up on my surface as a media server and I am able to browse, play and copy to my sd over Wi-Fi.
only thing I can think I did to set this up was share the folders and add them to my laptop libraries to share with my xbox
Joining a homegroup on your network, so you could use your shared folders/libraries. Or using the sdcard and integrate it to your libraries.

I tried to use the HomeGroup but I can't connect. My Surface does see my HomeGroup, and requests password. When I enter it, I get the following error: "Windows no longer detects a homegroup on this network. To create a new homegroup, click OK, and then open HomeGroup in Control Panel".

But the homegroup is already created on my PC.

UPDATE: I tried repeatedly to connect, without success. So, I deleted the homegroup and created another and this time everything went well. Now I'm connected.

The problem I'm having now is that my Surface tablet can see the PC as part of the Homegroup but the PC can't see the Surface.

Shouldn't this be a two-way share? I mean, if I setup a Homegroup on the PC and the Surface joins the Homegroup, shouldn't I be able to see shared files and folders on both machines? My Surface can see the shared libraries on the PC but the PC can't see the libraries on the Surface.

When I click Homegroup on the PC, it says "no other homegroup computers are available". But the Surface IS joined to the homegroup because I can actually transfer files. Why does the PC not see the Surface, as part of the homegroup?

The PC does see the Surface in the Network but when I click to browse it, it says it can't connect and gives hint about spelling or can't locate the computer.
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I've had this problem too, i solved it by leaving the homegroup on my pc and created a new - surface then showed me a slightly different information text and i was able to join.
I can't seem to find where to create a new homegroup on my PC running windows 7. I have one established, but now it won't recognize the old password.
Would it be easier if the PC were upgraded to Windows 8? My PC does not show up on the Surface.
I couldn't get a homegroup set up on my home network(kept getting errors on the host pc) but I have a regular workgroup set up and everythings connected. I have a media center server set up as well and it allows my to stream from it as well
Is the USB drive only for USB sticks? I tried to use a USB cable to link my Surface to my laptop, so that I can transfer files directly rather than using WiFi, but there doesnt seem to be any recognition of the link. My Surface picks up my laptop/homegroup fine, and I can transfer files over Wifi but I wanted to know if there was a wired way that was hopefully quicker.
I have not tried this yet as I dont have a surface yet (Well I do but am under orders from the wife that I cant have it till xmas) that you can simply start the Server service from computer management in Desktop mode. Once that is running (I would recommend switching the service to automatic rather than disabled) you sould be able to create normal shared folders and connect to it over a network as you would any other computer. You may have to adjust the firewall settings as well, I am not sure how strict they will be out of the box.

Any one tried this?
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