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Type Cover 3 Issues

Just want to know if this is everyone's experience or mine alone. Scrolling with my type cover trackpad is not reliable in the browsers (ie or chrome) and I sometimes have to swipe a lot just to move down the page and it's certainly not smooth. Also I've tried using the down arrow to scroll but sometimes I press it in the browser and it just doesn't move the page down.


Active Member
I have no problem with trackpad scrolling, but the "down arrow" will only register when firmly stuck in the middle. It is maddening to go past the "détente" of the key and not have anything happen. This could be a design limitation due to the width of the arrow key.


i have had no issues using the track pad to scroll. that said, if i have a lot of real estate to cover, i usually drag the scroll bar within the browser.


New Member
I had the same trackpad problem when scrolling in a browser. I went to my MS store and they graciously exchanged my type cover.....problem gone. Attaching it for the 1st time triggered some updates that I don't recall seeing before, so maybe that was actually the problem.