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Type Cover Issue


New Member
So, I just got my Surface Pro 3 in the mail yesterday. I booted it up and the cover was working just fine. However, I ended up factory resetting it when my local password did not work. After the reset, the type cover track pad and keys were not working. The back light works and the adjustment keys do as well. I tried refreshing the Surface, resetting it again, and updating. I also tried cleaning the contacts. Nothing worked. Is anyone else having issues with the cover, or does anyone have any advice?
Yes, I tried updating and resetting several times. The device manager doesn't list any conflicts or problems, if that helps.
Shut completely down, hold the Volume Rocker Up and press the power button, exit out of the UEFI Screen with out making any changes and see if discovers the cover.
I tried the hard shutdown that jnjroach suggested. No luck there either. As for what sharpcolorado linked to, that was the first place I went to when the troubles happened. I do recall that the surface had some driver error messages when I was first setting it up, before I shut it down for the first time and the password failed. These messages did not persist after the factory reset. Could it possibly be a hardware issue?
Sounds like it, take it into the Store and they will try a new cover, if it still doesn't work they should exchange the unit....
Alright, thanks for all the help. I should be able to get to a Microsoft Store in the coming week. Since I ordered online, is there anything specific I should bring with me besides the Surface and Cover, like the order receipt?
As much documentation as possible, The MS Online Store is run by Digital River and the Physical Store is actually ran by MS themselves....so the Physical Store may refer you back to the Online. Talk with them before you drive over there...
I'd go in the control panel windows updates and check what updates or installed. I may have not installed what you needed. There may be some listed that failed to install in you possibly didn't see the message.
Check in the Device Mangler -- do you see anything out of ordinary, especially in the i2c or in the USB devices? Do you see the type cover listed under keyboard?