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Umm, I just didn't like it :-(

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Just spent some time reading through the threads. This device seems to be having A LOT of problems: overheating, throttling, freezing, pen disconnections, fragile screen, poor battery life. If the i5 is constantly throttling down what's the point of having an i5? Has anyone here had a 10/10 experience with their SP3?

Forums are a blessing and a curse, you can easily find yourself worrying about a few issues people have and if you want to convince yourself not to buy something you can easily do so.

Similar to Amazon reviews, even though an item has 100 four star reviews, human nature will take you to the 5 one star reviews.

You said that the devices have A LOT of problems, that isn't accurate, you are reading about a minority that have had problems and are looking for help. For every one person who has an issue there are 20 that don't.

One or two people posted about a broken screen around the mic, please don't think that is common and applies to the entire population of SP3s. Majority of the users who participate in the forum haven't had any issues with their screens.

I haven't had any issues for overheating, throttling, freezing, pen disconnections (I have two paired and they have never disconnected), fragile screen, or poor battery life (my average run time is now about 7 to 8.5 hours, i5/8gb).

Usage varies from user to user, but I haven't had any hardware problems, I did have a paint chip on one unit, but it was swapped out. Since then this machine has been my daily driver and has performed better than I expected.

There you have it a positive review from a daily user.
As far as the color you can get skins, i got some from stickerboys (i think that's the name). Maybe you should check out the Lenovo Yoga, the keyboard doesn't detach but it does fold around to the back to be in tablet form, it is touch screen but i don't think it has a stylus. I know a few people who have them and really like them. I have the SP3 i7 256gb model and it has been perfect and issue free since i first fired it up, the fan has come on once and that was when i ran the initial batch of updates, i restarted the unit and have not heard the fans since and no wifi issues either at home/work/or cell phone hot spot. For me this device has met all my expectations, the only thing that would make it better is if microsoft released a power cover keyboard for it. I believe you have 15 days to return it, why not get it and put it through the paces to see if it grows on you. Hope you find something that meets all your needs.
Just spent some time reading through the threads. This device seems to be having A LOT of problems: overheating, throttling, freezing, pen disconnections, fragile screen, poor battery life. If the i5 is constantly throttling down what's the point of having an i5? Has anyone here had a 10/10 experience with their SP3?

This is just trolling. What device forums doesn't have a ton of similar comments? I'll tell you, devices that no one buys. In my opinion time to close this thread.
OP should just look at the ThinkPad Yoga. It's black, has a standard keyboard. Uses Wacom for its digitizer so you may like it better. Similar features/specs to the SP3. ThinkPad line has been know for their "though" build quality ( could be closer to the premium feel you are looking for. Maybe get that and a galaxy tab.

My advice: go to YouTube watch video comparisons. Narrow your list down to 3 devices. Go out at try them. If you have a microcenter in your area would be a great place to look. Those guys are usually helpful. Come back to the forums and ask questions. You make be lucky to find member who own both devices or have tested some against the SP3. There is no rush... if you got your cash take your time breath. It's like dating no girl is going to be a 100% prefect. There always going to be a little give and take.

Second Kif time to close.
Ok, I'm a bit perplexed right now. I was an early adopter of the Surface Pro. Everything I said I wished that hybrid was, the Surface Pro 3 is. Bigger better screen, wider aspect ratio, paper pad sized, adjustable kickstand, better pen. Check the list, on paper they had designed my dream machine.

I went to Bestbuy today WANTING to LOVE this device. And I just didn't (I'm not trolling, I'm just frustrated):

1) I know it is just personal preference, but I like black computers. This silver color looks feminine to me.
2) The edges are too sharp. It doesn't feel comfortable in my hands when using it as a tablet.
3) Damn this thing is big to be used as a tablet. Didn't think I would think so but after using a Tab S 8.4 the last month it seems downright huge. Not sure I would enjoy sitting on the sofa holding this for a long time.
4) The texture of the back may be premium - to me it just doesn't "feel premium". Say what you what you want about Samsung's "soft feel" plastic - it does feel soft. The SP3 just felt hard and rigid.
5) Speaking of the Tab S, I'm afraid I've been spoiled by the super amoled screen. As good as the Surface Pro 3 screen is, it looked washed out to me. Damn you super amoled for ruining lcd for me!
6) The keyboard REALLY bounces when I type and the keys feel very plasticy. Right now I'm typing this message on an Acer R7 572 which has (almost) all of the benefits of the SP3 only bigger and heavier. And much much more solid. The SP3 just felt flimsy to me and kind of looked flimsy too.
7) When I write on the screen there was pooling under my pen tip. That reminded me just how paper thin the glass is on this (plus the reports of spontaneous fracturing) . My Acer R7 never pools beneath the pen. Nothing wrong with pooling, just makes me nervous I'm damaging it.

So anyway, I'm perplexed. I would be making sacrifices in screen real estate to go from my R7 to the SP3 and giving up a very solid full sized keyboard. I was fully ready to make those sacrifices and went to Bestbuy ready to buy - but I left the store without the SP3 feeling very confused.

Is my R7 + Tab S a better combination for me than the SP3 alone? 2 things which do what they do better than the SP3 or one thing that does everything if not as well? It's hard walking away from something you were SURE you wanted.

Can anyone talk me into it? Maybe someone coming from a similar situation to mine and how you found it was better? I'm sure the colors will look better once I can dial down the gamma a bit. I just don't know how to proceed.

So glad you're posting again, really missed you from the SP1 days.

No need to feel bad about not liking the SP3. I love love love mine. But it's not for everyone.

I don't find the tablet part bad at all, but then again I haven't used very many. My X201T doesn't count because that's like, a brick. My gen 1 iPad mostly gets used on a piano music rack, but also as my Nook reader, which I was fine with. My SP3 gets used a lot now in bed, casually surfing or reading Nook ebooks. The weight is fine with me.

I actually prefer the silver because I didn't like the way my SP1 looked as it began to get scratched and scuffed. To me it just stood out more on a black color, than on the silver.

I never use the SP3 Typecover in the "angled" mode, just flat on the table, so can't really comment to the "bounce", although that's not the first time I've heard that complaint. Typing on it is "fine", but my accuracy on it is not as good as my full-size desktop keyboard.

Maybe you should just buy one and try it out for a couple weeks, and return it within the return period if you don't like it?
@Kif , @PocketAce

What's the purpose of this forum, if not to share info and have good discussion? Seems like a very uncivil and frankly arrogant line that you are drawing, when you reserve the right to say "this thread should be shut down" merely do to your own opinion.
Just spent some time reading through the threads. This device seems to be having A LOT of problems: overheating, throttling, freezing, pen disconnections, fragile screen, poor battery life. If the i5 is constantly throttling down what's the point of having an i5? Has anyone here had a 10/10 experience with their SP3?

Interesting that you quickly picked up on the negative posts. There are also plenty of posts from folks who are crazy happy with the SP3. LOTS of: best device I have ever used, I don't have any issues, I've never heard my fan come on, etc.

Hope you can zero on these as well.
@malbertto please refer to my reply. I actually made suggestions to the OP's point. Others have made suggestions as well. Even the your suggestions was already stated by someone else. I didn't mean to come off arrogant, I guess next time I will keep that opinion to myself. Ask for being uncivil you calling me out without referencing my suggestion could be considered the same.

So far even with all the suggestions the OP is doesn't think it's the right choice for him. By reading his posts I think maybe he is right. Thread hasn't change directions with alternatives.... Plus this seems to be more of an ascetic issue than performance issue (though the OP mentioned worries).

If all the suggestions aren't good enough and thread not making a progress in helping the OP... what else is left?

I frankly understand how the OP feels. Reminds me of when I was out car shopping. At the end of the day though you have to trust your gut and make a choice. Please next time try suggest how I can help instead repeating a mistake you thought I made by being uncivil. Thanks and my apologies, we all here to help.
@Kif , @PocketAce

What's the purpose of this forum, if not to share info and have good discussion? Seems like a very uncivil and frankly arrogant line that you are drawing, when you reserve the right to say "this thread should be shut down" merely do to your own opinion.

Honestly, I've never seen the sort of moderation that's going on around here. It's straight out of minority report or something. They talk about cops abusing their power, they should come check out this forum. I've seen this quite a few times... "oh, we feel like this conversation is going to be uncivil, make sure you keep it cool..." THIS IS THE INTERNETS!! You chill a bit. It's like as soon as someone has a different opinion, the swat has to come to the rescue and silence the opposition. Quit acting like you are special just cuz you have a moderation badge, nobody really gives a "care." Oh what have I done, I just questioned the moderation team on the surface forum. What's gonna happen to me now :(
@malbertto please refer to my reply. I actually made suggestions to the OP's point. Others have made suggestions as well. Even the your suggestions was already stated by someone else. I didn't mean to come off arrogant, I guess next time I will keep that opinion to myself. Ask for being uncivil you calling me out without referencing my suggestion could be considered the same.

So far even with all the suggestions the OP is doesn't think it's the right choice for him. By reading his posts I think maybe he is right. Thread hasn't change directions with alternatives.... Plus this seems to be more of an ascetic issue than performance issue (though the OP mentioned worries).

If all the suggestions aren't good enough and thread not making a progress in helping the OP... what else is left?

I frankly understand how the OP feels. Reminds me of when I was out car shopping. At the end of the day though you have to trust your gut and make a choice. Please next time try suggest how I can help instead repeating a mistake you thought I made by being uncivil. Thanks and my apologies, we all here to help.

Friend, I completely understand your points.

But I'm just reacting to the suggestion to shut the thread down. Instead, try changing out the words with "let's stop talking about this now", and see if that sounds reasonable. Why should any member take it on themselves to declare such a thing, when the whole thread up to this point has been completely civil. But someone doesn't like the fact that same answers are being given over and over, or can be found elsewhere. Well with complete respect, I just say to that- stop reading the thread!

This should be a place of free and open discourse. If the same answer or opinion is stated by 40 people, who cares? Now the OP knows that 40 people feel that way! :cool:

Short of out-right hostility, or name-calling... people should be free to express what they have to say, how they want to say. If it's grouchy, polite, snooty, elitist, humble, or irritable... that's true interaction. You have to be able to voice your opinion, and respect that others have their opinions as well.

You probably didn't even mean it that way and I apologize if I took it wrong.

I just think it's wrong to say "no one should be allowed to talk about this anymore", outside of those very specific reasons.
Well, all I can say is that a forum is not by any means the best example of democracy. All of them have rules and they are not negotiable and there is not any where to appeal a moderator's decision. It's take it or leave it.
@Kif , @PocketAce

What's the purpose of this forum, if not to share info and have good discussion? Seems like a very uncivil and frankly arrogant line that you are drawing, when you reserve the right to say "this thread should be shut down" merely do to your own opinion.

I was merely offering my opinion as well but frankly I have no business suggesting which threads should be closed or not. My life is too short to try to convince someone to change their opinion of a particular product.
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