Just purchased my surface pro 3 and think it is a wonderful device. I tried using my surface to remote into our EHR using the Remote Desktop app, but found it difficult to use due to the lack of hiDPI scaling, so I found the remote desktop connection manager 2.2, which scales perfectly. What I can't do is use the connection full screen and access the touch keyboard or handwriting recognition. I can use it non-full screen and access the keyboard icon from the task bar, but then I'm using scroll bars to access the remote computers entire screen. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a work-around.
It amazes me that the remote desktop connection scales hiDPI displays perfectly on my retina macbook pro, but not on Microsofts own products!
It amazes me that the remote desktop connection scales hiDPI displays perfectly on my retina macbook pro, but not on Microsofts own products!