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wait for the power cover?


New Member
I currently have the horrible touch cover. But sometimes use an external keyboard at home. Im highly inclined to buy the type cover 2 now, but the power cover is around the corner. SHould I wait for it??
The Power Cover will have a 30Wh battery which will increase your use time by 71%.
I guess you're right. Maybe I was thinking of the mixing cover for some odd reason.

I think it's odd that the power cover would be built on the Type 1 when that's thicker than Type 2, and the battery addition itself adds more thickness. It would make more sense to use Type 2 as the base--or even the Touch 2 since that's the thinnest. Well, we'll see...
In is it expected to be released?
If it's based on Type 1 I'll get the Type 2 now, I'm fine with current battery life...
In is it expected to be released?
If it's based on Type 1 I'll get the Type 2 now, I'm fine with current battery life...

Well, there you go. You answered your own question. :p Get the Type 2 (or even Type 1 if it's cheaper).

You would only buy the battery cover if you need the extra juice.
All I'm hearing is early C2014 for release, also the battery cover at least in the Surface Team's mind isn't the everyday solution, it is intended for those times you're going to be away from mains for 14-20 hours (long International Flight in an older aircraft, or extended field work). It adds both weight and girth to the Surface.
Yes, but the Power Cover with backlit capability would be just swell.

Re: Battery life, I posted somewhere as soon as I reached my destination after a 9 hrflight (of which 5 hr 30 mins was spent on the Surface working on a Word document + on an intermittent Chess game with default power settings) + 1 hour 30 min drive to the departing airport + close to 2 hours in a departing airport + 1 hour in the arriving airport + 20 min car drive to the hotel and with the device in "flight mode" all the time, the battery icon read 76%.

On arrival, I quickly connected to the hotel WiFi (unlimited and free, btw!), went for a shower, had a meal, had my first meeting for about 2 hours, worked on some mails, revisited the Word document I was working with on the flight, surfed the nets (reading this forum, among other things) - all of which took another 6 hours or so, and I was down to 34%, which is when I plugged the device in for charging. Note that post arrival, the device was no longer on "flight mode"!

By my reckoning, not too bad!
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