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What's coming in Windows 8.1

I think they said something about the Modern Start Page having the same background as your desktop so it isn't so jarring. They will also have animated backgrounds for the Start Page which along with animated tiles should be positively nauseating and come with a warning for epileptics. Somebody at MS really digs useless animations.

The best part is that they seem to be introducing some choice to the user in how things work which is what was missing on Windows 8.0.

Why are you a member of this forum? Every post you make a "crap on that" comment. I've seen maybe ONE post that as positive or it contributed to the original post.
Why are you a member of this forum? Every post you make a "crap on that" comment. I've seen maybe ONE post that as positive or it contributed to the original post.

Dude, 76 "Likes", 'nuff said.

P.S., Your avatar is creeping me out.
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Lol, do YOU think that animated tiles WITH animated wallpapers is something the public is really crying out for?

Yes. There are hundreds of discussions about this very thing between Android and iPhone. Android has it iPhone doesn't and it is a big difference between the two.

15 Android widgets that will make iPhone users jealous | TechRepublic

Live Wallpapers for iPhone/iPad (without jailbreak) - iPhone, iPad, iPod Forums at iMore.com

10 free live wallpapers you should try

iPhone weather stuck on 73F in menu? - MacRumors Forums (from 2007! lol)

Why is the time 10:15 on the Clock app? Why is the temperature 73º? - MacRumors Forums

Live tiles have actually been pretty highly praised by all sources regardless of how negative other parts of the reviews are.
I think they said something about the Modern Start Page having the same background as your desktop so it isn't so jarring. They will also have animated backgrounds for the Start Page which along with animated tiles should be positively nauseating and come with a warning for epileptics. Somebody at MS really digs useless animations.

The best part is that they seem to be introducing some choice to the user in how things work which is what was missing on Windows 8.0.

You can disable the live tiles easy enough.

Reports from a leaked version are indicating a desktop 'start' like button that switchs to the modern UI.
But what I hear that will be valuable is that the sart screen will be much more customizable. As it is now, as you point it, the screen switch is 'jarring'. I suspect this plays into what makes so many think poorly of it. It is like you flipped a switch, not just opened a start menu.
I think he is at 14% likes to posts and you are only 11% to be technical.
Edit...I wonder what the negative to positive ratios would be.

I wonder what my score would be if I got points for always being right, lol.
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Lol J5, I can see it now.

Joe Shopper stops into BestBuy and looks at Windows 8. He seems a bit confused and Sally Salesperson asks him what's wrong. He says, "I really want to like Windows 8 but there just aren't enough animations!"

More cowbell!

That's what you're coming back with? Enjoy your "likes."

I hope my avatar makes you lose sleep.

I think you have missed the point. You claimed that my posts are always negative and I never contribute to the thread. I was trying to explain to you that the fact I have 76 "likes" is odd considering I am only negative as you propose. But hey, I'm surprised too, broad sweeping judgments like yours have ALWAYS been correct in the past, lol.

P.S., Have you noticed that Microsoft is addressing pretty much every issue I've been so "negative" about in Windows 8.1? Start Button, check. Boot to desktop, check. More user options, check. Better tutorials, check. You call it negative. Where I come from we call that being right.
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This quote regarding Windows 8.1 confirms everything I have been saying all along:

Overall, these are changes that Microsoft has been forced to make in reaction to feedback around Windows 8. The company believes its Windows 8-style apps are the future, but customers clearly aren't ready to live in the future just yet. "It's a lot more flexibility for people who really want, the power users, to configure how things work," explains Harris. It keeps everyone happy, while ensuring that the touch experience isn't altered. A compromise that's essential for the perception of Windows 8 and its usability on desktop and laptop computers.

Despite the endless grief I have gotten for my opinions, it is nice to be thoroughly vindicated by Microsoft themselves.

** P.S., The good news is that if people like The Verge which savaged the original Windows 8 come out in favor of Windows 8.1 that will do a lot to achieve broad acceptance in the marketplace. The main thing W8 has been missing from the start is positive buzz. If W8.1 can get some good "movie reviews" going maybe more people will buy a ticket.
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I think you have missed the point. You claimed that my posts are always negative and I never contribute to the thread. I was trying to explain to you that the fact I have 76 "likes" is odd considering I am only negative as you propose. But hey, I'm surprised too, broad sweeping judgments like yours have ALWAYS been correct in the past, lol.

P.S., Have you noticed that Microsoft is addressing pretty much every issue I've been so "negative" about in Windows 8.1? Start Button, check. Boot to desktop, check. More user options, check. Better tutorials, check. You call it negative. Where I come from we call that being right.
I think his point was you are too negative which you are 99% of the time. I would go as far to say that if there was a dislike button. You would have a huge majority of them.:wink:
The only thing ms is doing is putting a big pacifier in the mouths of babies.
I think his point was you are too negative which you are 99% of the time. I would go as far to say that if there was a dislike button. You would have a huge majority of them.:wink:
The only thing ms is doing is putting a big pacifier in the mouths of babies.

You and Microsoft have a lot in common. You both view the users as "babies" who must be pacified because they "just don't get it". Does it ever occur to you that YOU don't get it assuming that "it" is what the public wants?

You still refer to my commentary as being "negative" while I could easily refer to yours as being "blind fanboyism". Since Microsoft is now implementing the vast majority of the changes I "complained" about, rather than being "negative" I have been the voice of reason.
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