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Wifi disconnecting


New Member
Howdy folks-

Not so sure this is a Studio-only prob, but since getting my Studio this week, I noticed the wifi will disconnect after sleeping for a bit - which makes signing in via camera or even by PIN impossible as they require a net connection (why, I don't know -- I guess those sign-ins are verified on MS's server??)

Anyway, has anyone experienced the same? I know the Studios are just getting out there, but I would think other owners may be seeing this as well. I'll also check the Surface Book forums, as there's a fair amount of crossover there -- will post an update if I find a reason/fix.

Thanks in advance for any info!
I got mine today and so far not a problem. Perhaps your WiFi is dropping out or maybe you got a bad unit......I had issues with my SP 4, but that turned out to be a crappy wireless router.
I got mine today and so far not a problem. Perhaps your WiFi is dropping out or maybe you got a bad unit......I had issues with my SP 4, but that turned out to be a crappy wireless router.

Yeah, I suspect the router first. Its the included wifi with my cable box, which I'm sure doesn't use the best components. Thanks for the feedback - going to hunt down info on this router before pinging MS.
I have 4 studio's and one of them i remote into is on wifi, however it disconnects frequently which defeats the purpose of me being able to remote in. The other 3 are on hard lines and i do not have an issue, but the 4th is in an area where only wifi is available. I did not have this issue with previous wifi device there. I checked the wifi adapter and there is no power setting tab to keep it on always so i believe it is an AO-AC device "always on" from the research i did. The pc is set to never go to sleep so i'm not sure what is causing the adapter to disconnect randomly. Anyone else having this issue with the Surface Studio wifi?
I had this issue starting with the April installation of CU, it was much worse than at any time previously and persisted to the point I switched to using a USB wifi adapter. After installing the Fall CU a few days ago it seems the severity is significantly mitigated... We'll see... For now I have removed my EDIMAX Nano AC 1200 USB adapter.

Edit: Well maybe I spoke too soon... Started getting pauses and lagging after making this post so this could be the prelude to disconnecting. USB adapter at the ready... Marvell will get the quick hook like an MLB playoff pitcher if this keeps up.
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I had this issue starting with the April installation of CU, it was much worse than at any time previously and persisted to the point I switched to using a USB wifi adapter. After installing the Fall CU a few days ago it seems the severity is significantly mitigated... We'll see... For now I have removed my EDIMAX Nano AC 1200 USB adapter.

Edit: Well maybe I spoke too soon... Started getting pauses and lagging after making this post so this could be the prelude to disconnecting. USB adapter at the ready... Marvell will get the quick hook like an MLB playoff pitcher if this keeps up.

If i may ask, what model USB adapter are you using and having success with?
I'm posting this so I don't forget.

Maybe after nearly a year of borked & broken wifi with the internal Marvell wifi adapter, maybe, finally it's fixed.

Update kb4056892 might possibly have fixed it.

Frankly I have no idea what part of this change is significant or if it's really the solution all by itself or if other updates along the way have a contributing effect. I saw someone comment on this and tried it, so far it seems to be working. I will monitor the situation and update again if it keeps working reliably over several days.

Thank you Grey, i also found a setting that has worked for me for months, my apologies for not posting it. I'm not sure why it works as it doesn't seem to be for our particular issue but i found an obscure post to try it and i have and it has worked. in "gpedit.msc" go and disable this setting.
Computer Configuration=> Administrative Templates=> Network=> Windows Connection Manager=> Minimize the number of simultaneous connections to the internet or a Windows domain
Thank you for the update.
I'm posting this so I don't forget.

Maybe after nearly a year of borked & broken wifi with the internal Marvell wifi adapter, maybe, finally it's fixed.

Update kb4056892 might possibly have fixed it.

Frankly I have no idea what part of this change is significant or if it's really the solution all by itself or if other updates along the way have a contributing effect. I saw someone comment on this and tried it, so far it seems to be working. I will monitor the situation and update again if it keeps working reliably over several days.
I remain guardedly optimistic, no issues so far since last Saturday... and I have done the same yesterday on my Surface 3 so it too is now free of USB wifi and running on the internal Marvell wifi. Nothing else changed, no recent driver updates just Windows stuff. Keeping fingers crossed that I'll make it a whole week and more without issues. Baby steps... but that Spring update looms...