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Win 10 unimpressive

Arizona Willie

Active Member
I installed in on a newish SSD drive that had Windows 8.1 on it and used the install via Windows Update route.

All went ok although it took several restarts before Cortana began to operate.

I realize it is in the formative stages, but to me it was very unimpressive.
So far I see little reason to upgrade from 8.1 other than Cortana and, so far, she's dumber than my 2 ex-wives.
And not nearly as much fun as they were at one time :)

The UI needs a lot of work and I do mean LOT.

One nice thing about the installation was they set it up with a dual boot like menu so when you start up you can choose to roll back to your previous OS.

I think I will keep that drive dedicated to W10 though. It is easy enough to shut down and change drives and restart if I want to work with W10 for awhile.

I didn't risk putting it on my Surface Pro I because I only have one of them.
My desktop I can switch drives out quickly if things go awry.

It may well be a better experience on a touch tablet than on a mouse / keyboard desktop.

I'm waiting for new 4k touch screen monitors before I buy another monitor.
So far you can get 4K or touch screen but not both --- but surely that will change soon. I hope.

I can only hope that they pump out new updates VERY VERY often.
This is not a consumer preview, it's a technical preview. Still a long way from every day use.
That's why I put W 10 on a separate drive. Didn't even dual boot it with W 8.1.

For " real " work I plug in the W 8.1 drive and to play with W 10 I switch out the drives.

Keeps everything completely seperate.

This is not a consumer preview, it's a technical preview. Still a long way from every day use.