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Solved Win10 rendered my SP3 unusable

You can certainly ask. But Windows 10 is still technically "Beta" software, not at all ready for production (this thread case in point :p). I just can't see a company wanting that kind of liability, where if it toasted your device, then it would be on THEM to make things right. The Windows 10 download page is plastered with language that basically says "This software is rough and unfinished, and we are not responsible in any way if it makes your data go up in smoke".

That is disappointing. Most of my stuff is on my Micro SD card our on One Drive, so not a lot to lose. Just a pain in the butt restoring everything. If it were to fry my SP3 hardware, that would be a different story. I would probably just ask a tech in the store and see that they say, just walk in without an appointment.
That is disappointing. Most of my stuff is on my Micro SD card our on One Drive, so not a lot to lose. Just a pain in the butt restoring everything. If it were to fry my SP3 hardware, that would be a different story. I would probably just ask a tech in the store and see that they say, just walk in without an appointment.

Well don't let me talk you out of it. Just throwing my two cents your way... :D
Unfortunately 3rd Party AV has wrecked havoc on Windows 10.....it might be time to wipe and reload
His SP3 isn't broken, just not working. If you read the Windows/Surface license you would technically be voiding the warranty by installing Win10 anyway so I would not expect the people at the Microsoft Store even want to discuss putting it on your Surface.
Oh for sure, what @leeshor said. I'll reinstall Windows on it tomorrow, it will be fine after that. Physically it's fine, just a little confused at the moment.:)
So, they invite you to upgrade for free just to void your warranty?
If you wait for the official release then you'll be fine. I thought you were asking about the preview versions.

They may be able to slipsteam it in like a normal update/servicepack.
If you wait for the official release then you'll be fine.I thought you were asking about the preview versions.

They may be able to slipsteam it in like a normal update/servicepack.

I thought the press conference today was basically saying that the finished build of Win10 would be coming out very soon. Maybe just wishful thinking on my part. :)
This is still a misconception about where Win10 is at the moment. They did discuss a new release, maybe as soon as next week but that's still not the final. It may be a customer preview rather than a technical preview. More of what was once called beta.
yes I'm sure Vicki is talking about installing it when it's OFFICAILLY released, she not talking about installing the beta ware... I think she's just confused when it will be released. Once it's officially released then I'm sure she can take it to the windows store to have all her gadgets updated to W10.

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