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Windows 10 Creators Update

Installed it on my SB 128GB and noticed my free space dropped from 61GB down to 50GB. Can this really be correct? Does it really use 11GB more than the regular Windows 10 that was already on my SB?
Installed it on my SB 128GB and noticed my free space dropped from 61GB down to 50GB. Can this really be correct? Does it really use 11GB more than the regular Windows 10 that was already on my SB?
If you look there should be a Windows.old which contains the previous machine state in case you want to rollback. You can use Disk Cleanup to remove this although you'd lose the ability to rollback.
If you look there should be a Windows.old which contains the previous machine state in case you want to rollback. You can use Disk Cleanup to remove this although you'd lose the ability to rollback.

Thanks but I already rolled back as I'm not an artist so this wasn't really an update for me. Then with the large footprint and it being laggy for me anyway it was a simple decision to go back to what worked and worked well.
Installed it on my SB 128GB and noticed my free space dropped from 61GB down to 50GB. Can this really be correct? Does it really use 11GB more than the regular Windows 10 that was already on my SB?
It keeps a version of the older Build so you can roll back if need, you clean it up from Settings...System....Storage....Select C....Select Temporary Files
Thanks but I already rolled back as I'm not an artist so this wasn't really an update for me. Then with the large footprint and it being laggy for me anyway it was a simple decision to go back to what worked and worked well.

I will agree that it has numerous issues, but it has no larger foot print in my experience. The reason you lost 10gb is as has been stated, it kept a previous version of windows on the disk, the one which allowed you to do a role back. Every build update results in such a loss of disk space. If you're happy with the new build them you do a disk cleanup to recover that space.
Thanks for the insights guys but since I already rolled back and do feel that it is snappier to me without a doubt. I'll just stay away from Creators for now as after reading up on it I really don't see much of anything that sparks my interest.