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Another of our SP2 units had installed the Update 1 just fine. But right afterward it had gotten stuck always booting to the UEFI screen (the one that offers to install or delete Security Keys).

I finally managed to get out of it by pressing Power + Vol Up for at least 15 secs. The problem hasn't reappeared since then...

P.S. I seem to recall that immediately before this happened, I had noticed an air bubble on that unit's rear skin, and I had pressed down hard on it and squeeze the unit hard with my hand. Hope the pressure didn't cause some kind of hardware glitch?


Staff member
Thanks jnjroach, that's how it has worked for me too. I was just curious about the large Office updates you mentioned, I'd assumed you were using Office 365 subscription?

And thanks for all your info.

I have a Office365 Subscription E3 for my Consulting Company, but we use Office 2013 Professional Plus on our machines....