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Battery notification

Is there anyway of knowing how much battery is left in hours/minutes rather than %?

When you're in the desktop just tap on the battery icon in the system tray in the bottom right corner of the screen and it pops up with how many hours, minutes, and percent left. You can also just hover over that icon with the stylus to get the same info.
When you're in the desktop just tap on the battery icon in the system tray in the bottom right corner of the screen and it pops up with how many hours, minutes, and percent left. You can also just hover over that icon with the stylus to get the same info.

Thank you. But it only gives it to me in percentage. Is there a way of changing this to hours/minutes?
Mind does that too, every once in awhile.
Most of the time it says how many hours and minutes and what percentage is left.

I don't know why it sometimes only gives the percentage ... or how I get it to tell me everything -- it just does whatever it wants :(
The surface 2 doesn't support stylus so Mickylittle post is irrelevant. Since we can assume Micky is running surface pro with the full windows 8 which should show you percantage. Out of all my time with the surface rt and surface 2 rt, I notice it just displays the percantage and never the time left.
joker, my Original Surface Pro with Windows 8.1 < usually > shows me both hours and minutes and percentage left.

For some unknown reason, at times it only shows the percentage.

Why, I've no idea. It just seems to do whatever the hell it wants.

Every morning I use my Surface and then open a spreadsheet where I record how much time is left and it calculates how long the full charge would last at the percentage given.

That answer varies all over the place from something over an hour to over 5 hours.
No rhyme or reason to it.
It appears the battery app is WILDLY inaccurate and pretty much useless.
My Surface shuts itself off automatically at about 6% left anyway.
It won't even LET me drain it down to nothing.