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Battery Usage Report not showing battery Estimates! Help!!


New Member
Ever since I bought and turned on my surface pro 3 when I make the battery usage report from powercfg, it does not show the estimate battery life left or what's actually been used. The very first entry thinks the date is 2018 then goes to normal - I wonder if this effects it. Ive only had it in use a couple of days. Anyone know how to reset battery stats or if this will sort itself out after a few more days go buy? Everything else seems to be ok apart from the occasional connected standby issue and the Facebook metro app always showing up in reliability report.
Thanks - doesn't show how to solve the issue of the battery usage report not working correctly as per above.
As I said , issue is that although the battery discharge is being monitored correctly, nothing is being captured in the usage table, or the battery life estimate table...

Nope - already checked that but thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully someone can shed some light on it. Battery life is fine - just the capturing of the data by powercfg doesn't seem right and not working as it used to on my surface rt 2.