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Custom Fan - Get More From Your SP3!

If air only enters through the black duct from the right side above the display port and not from the top edge at upper right it would seem there's no advantage to air directed at points on the side below the display port. From what I can see in the video this is the case.
Not trying to be a douche but this statement is incorrect. Starting at 2:04 in the linked video above he clearly says that the air comes in from the top of the SP3 "down through the center (of the fan) and out through the sides of the fan" into the case and out through the sides and bottom of the case.

Here is a discussion on a different forum that illustrates what is going on. Notice the IR camera picture validating this. I have taken IR camera pictures as well and can confirm the results:

If air also enters from the top edge on the right then there's more intake space to work with for greater air flow. I don't think air comes in from the top but I can't be absolutely sure.
I have tried forcing more air in at the top right as I said previously and it did not provide good results.

It seems, GreyFox7 that you do not believe me or trust my results which I completely embrace as a fellow skeptic but I ask that you do some testing and analysis of your own and let us know what you get.
Not trying to be a douche but this statement is incorrect. Starting at 2:04 in the linked video above he clearly says that the air comes in from the top of the SP3 "down through the center (of the fan) and out through the sides of the fan" into the case and out through the sides and bottom of the case.

Here is a discussion on a different forum that illustrates what is going on. Notice the IR camera picture validating this. I have taken IR camera pictures as well and can confirm the results:
View attachment 3808

I have tried forcing more air in at the top right as I said previously and it did not provide good results.

It seems, GreyFox7 that you do not believe me or trust my results which I completely embrace as a fellow skeptic but I ask that you do some testing and analysis of your own and let us know what you get.
Nope, just trying to clear up confusion as statements have been made here about air flowing both in and out the top right.

I watched that video several times and its clear he doesn't do a good job describing it. The black duct appears to block air from the top so that it would only enter from the small 1 inch space on the side above the DP.

It also appears to me that your last version concentrates the most air into the 1 inch space above the DP although it also looks like there are a couple of other openings as well.

Keep up the good work.
Nope, just trying to clear up confusion as statements have been made here about air flowing both in and out the top right.

I watched that video several times and its clear he doesn't do a good job describing it. The black duct appears to block air from the top so that it would only enter from the small 1 inch space on the side above the DP.

It also appears to me that your last version concentrates the most air into the 1 inch space above the DP although it also looks like there are a couple of other openings as well.

Keep up the good work.
FYI, the black thing at the top right is not a duct but the speaker. iFixit teardown step 21, 3rd picture. It may dual function somewhat as a duct but there is no intake by the DP as I think the IR camera also shows.

You are correct in your concern and I could see how there would be confusion with intake and outflow of air near the top right. As I stated earlier i felt exhausted air to the right of the camera which is near the intake area. Again, this is verified by the IR pics.
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Awesome work as expected, Cothek. Could you superimpose a test with the new DP duct and the normal duct? Also, when do you think a final version of the DP fan will be up on Shapeways?
I've ordered the duct and the duct cover on shapeway and it has been shipped monday. Will it be the new DP duct or the normal duct ? Thx for the answer !
I've ordered the duct and the duct cover on shapeway and it has been shipped monday. Will it be the new DP duct or the normal duct ? Thx for the answer !

Shapeways prints everything to order, so there is no reason you shouldn't get exactly what you ordered, which would be the normal duct. The new one has not been posted yet.
Awesome work as expected, Cothek. Could you superimpose a test with the new DP duct and the normal duct? Also, when do you think a final version of the DP fan will be up on Shapeways?
Here is the comparison:
09-09 Intel GPU Balanced Original v DPFan Comparison.png

It looks as though the duct without the DP is a hair better.

I added the DP duct to the OP.

Also, check back on the 7th because Shapeways is reducing their prices for several materials. This change should amount to around $8 on the SP3 Duct alone (depending on which material you chose).
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Awesome, good looking out with the Shapeways price reduction. It looks like the two ducts are very similar in performance, the differences in the graphs seems like it could have just been the small sample size of tests.

The only thing is it seems that your case fan of choice may be discontinued. Could you keep an eye out for another place that sells them or another 60x10 fan you think would work? Its tough because you never know how these fans will act when you only give them 5V instead of 12V.
Awesome, good looking out with the Shapeways price reduction. It looks like the two ducts are very similar in performance, the differences in the graphs seems like it could have just been the small sample size of tests.

The only thing is it seems that your case fan of choice may be discontinued. Could you keep an eye out for another place that sells them or another 60x10 fan you think would work? Its tough because you never know how these fans will act when you only give them 5V instead of 12V.
I agree regarding the difference between the two.

Good catch with the fan which is really unfortunate but I did find this place. They have it for $5 and seem legit. I also updated the OP with this new location.
Sounds good. I'll wait for the shapeways price reduction you mentioned, so that pegs me around at least 3 weeks until I get to try one out. Before I order one though, please continute to keep us updated with any prototypes or planned changes you have for the duct!
I am printing an original duct right now that adds interior fins:
Fin Duct.png

I'll see if this makes a difference.