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Custom Fan - Get More From Your SP3!

Clips just seem more feasible. Magnets have the tendency to slide around unless gripping from multiple angles, plus you have to worry about them sticking to things you don't want them to when you toss them in your bag.

(Edit: This was in response to a comment that I got a notification about, but I don't see on the forum now.)
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The price reductions on Shapeways kicked in today as promised! Have you run any more tests with the new, finned duct? Maybe more tests between it and the finned DP duct for comparison?
I went ahead and ordered the DP duct and cover from shapeways, it'll get here in about 3 weeks. I also ordered the fan from newegg, it seems like they are stocking them again there if you want to add the link back to your first page post.
I went ahead and ordered the DP duct and cover from shapeways, it'll get here in about 3 weeks. I also ordered the fan from newegg, it seems like they are stocking them again there if you want to add the link back to your first page post.
Thanks for the update Justin6 and let us know how they turn out. I wonder if Stephan got his yet.

Sorry I've been incognito the last week or so but my wife is about to have our 2nd daughter and other things have been occupying my time ;)

I tested the original duct with fins which didn't seem to make much of a difference but I will still upload it with a minor change to the clips this week.
Did I say three weeks? I meant six weeks. Due to shapeways moving their factory and having to serve the large amount of orders immediately that were placed after the price changes, everything is moved back an estimated three weeks. At least they're giving me a free upgrade to overnight shipping for my month and a half wait, right?

Congratulations on expanding your family, best of luck to all of you and to your hobbies.
Just placed an order for mine and it gave me a November 10th ETA. Looking forward to this.

When I'm looking at a fan does it matter if its a 12v vs a 5v??
Well, the usb on your SP3 is only 5V but the fan I have linked is a 12V fan and works great.

The fan looks awesome and now i will have access to a 3D printer. But since its my first time using one, how i print this myself? What kind of files do i meed? Would it be possible to upload them here or send them please
My order from Shapeways came in. It looks to be good quality and I tested it with my surface and it seems to work. The only thing is is that the cover will not stay on the duct by itself. I plan to glue it because I don't intend on taking the fan out, but right now it just rests on top and falls out when the surface is tilted down.
guess the OP is busy ? :)

I would wonder, you said you have an IR camera and can make pictures, how the heat spreads with a Duct attached and working.
Two pictures, after 10 minutes benching and 10 minutes benching with Duct would be awesome.
btw, arent IR cameras somewhat expensive ?
Hey guys, sorry I've been away but the holidays have brought family and friends so I haven't been checking back here.

My order from Shapeways came in. It looks to be good quality and I tested it with my surface and it seems to work. The only thing is is that the cover will not stay on the duct by itself. I plan to glue it because I don't intend on taking the fan out, but right now it just rests on top and falls out when the surface is tilted down.
Glad you got yours and hopefully it's working well. Regarding the cover, it was hard to get that to fit tight enough without being too tight with the extruding type printer I have here. Shapeways uses SLS which should be more accurate so I apologize that the cover didn't fit tight enough.

guess the OP is busy ? :)

I would wonder, you said you have an IR camera and can make pictures, how the heat spreads with a Duct attached and working.
Two pictures, after 10 minutes benching and 10 minutes benching with Duct would be awesome.
btw, arent IR cameras somewhat expensive ?
I could get some pics using an IR cameral but the fan somewhat covers that area so we may not be able to see much.