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Dear SP3 - Now we have to study

No, fitting connectors are still missing, or cost 100$, so that is not an option at the moment. Additionally you will need a Power Pack with 12V Output.
Give it a couple months the connecting cables will come. Battery packs are available with the correct voltages. There are cables for the older style connector that fits all the prior Surfaces for 5-10 dollars. the only one are the market right now is 100 dollars and id say you need a very good reason to buy that... otherwise just wait a little
Adapt or go extinct. :)
As long as I can get Office for $9.95 through EPP, there's no way in heck I'm paying an annual subscription fee for Office. Respectfully, that's not refusing to adapt, it's refusing to be strong-armed. Cloud storage? Good for some, not needed by me. My usage patterns and storage footprint don't merit such a requirement.
Before everyone writes off the subscription service look at the advantages -


Free Upgrades during the life of the Subscription (also new features first)
Free Minutes for Skype Calling
1 TB OneDrive Storage for each user (Up to 5 Family Members with Home Premium)
Cost Effective and Cross Platform Support
Give it a couple months the connecting cables will come. Battery packs are available with the correct voltages. There are cables for the older style connector that fits all the prior Surfaces for 5-10 dollars. the only one are the market right now is 100 dollars and id say you need a very good reason to buy that... otherwise just wait a little
I am soooo ready for my aftermarket $25 AC adapter!
Before everyone writes off the subscription service look at the advantages -


Free Upgrades during the life of the Subscription (also new features first)
Free Minutes for Skype Calling
1 TB OneDrive Storage for each user (Up to 5 Family Members with Home Premium)
Cost Effective and Cross Platform Support
This may be a good solution for some -- especially if you need 5 licenses, and don't have access to reduced pricing through an Employee Purchase Program. I can install the current version Office on two concurrent machines for a one time purchase of $9.95 through EPP. When the next version of Office comes out, I can get it for the same price, and have been doing so for the past 4 versions. For me, $99 a year (I think that's the price) for Office 365 isn't a viable alternative. Now that you guys have me thinking about the subject of 365, I'll check our company's EPP site to see if there's a special incentive for that model for us.
Before everyone writes off the subscription service look at the advantages -


Free Upgrades during the life of the Subscription (also new features first)
Free Minutes for Skype Calling
1 TB OneDrive Storage for each user (Up to 5 Family Members with Home Premium)
Cost Effective and Cross Platform Support
Not offered outside the United States.
Adapt or go extinct. :)

Yet some of the biggest companies in the world happily run old software, they don't seem to have gone extinct because they opted to settle with an older product instead of jumping on the upgrade bandwagon. How would me sticking with 2013 instead of moving onto 365 cause my demise?
Before everyone writes off the subscription service look at the advantages -


Free Upgrades during the life of the Subscription (also new features first)
Free Minutes for Skype Calling
1 TB OneDrive Storage for each user (Up to 5 Family Members with Home Premium)
Cost Effective and Cross Platform Support

So for me:

1: I couldn't care less about upgrades. By that argument if windows had been a subscription based service, my free upgrade would have led me to windows 8 from 7. Brilliant upgrade *rolls eyes*. I'm paying for the product i want, not for some future what ifs.
2: Worthless for me. Have never made a skype call in my life and have no intention of starting now. There are plenty of free alternatives.
3: I am in england. Cloud storage is an utter waste of time here due to internet speeds and other than documents, which i have plenty of space on google drive for, i have no use for 1tb.
4: Cost effective in what time frame? If i buy office 2013, i have it, i can use it until my fingers fall off. In that same time period i might have to pay year upon year of subscription fees amounting to thousands of pounds. Very much not cost effective. The very same reason people buy houses or cars, not just rent them, in the long run, buying is far far cheaper, and i make purchases based on the long term, not the next 12 months.

After just 2 years office 365 is already far more expensive than had i bought office 2013. (£79 a year as opposed to a one of cost of £109)

To me that is basically saying the product is not worth it but lets throw in a free t-shirt to try and make it slightly more appealing. I want office, not skype calls, not cloud storage, not free upgrade. Just office. If they can't sell it for what it is, but have to include all these incentives, then it's clearly not worth it.
So for me:

1: I couldn't care less about upgrades. By that argument if windows had been a subscription based service, my free upgrade would have led me to windows 8 from 7. Brilliant upgrade *rolls eyes*. I'm paying for the product i want, not for some future what ifs.
2: Worthless for me. Have never made a skype call in my life and have no intention of starting now. There are plenty of free alternatives.
3: I am in england. Cloud storage is an utter waste of time here due to internet speeds and other than documents, which i have plenty of space on google drive for, i have no use for 1tb.
4: Cost effective in what time frame? If i buy office 2013, i have it, i can use it until my fingers fall off. In that same time period i might have to pay year upon year of subscription fees amounting to thousands of pounds. Very much not cost effective. The very same reason people buy houses or cars, not just rent them, in the long run, buying is far far cheaper, and i make purchases based on the long term, not the next 12 months.

After just 2 years office 365 is already far more expensive than had i bought office 2013. (£79 a year as opposed to a one of cost of £109)

To me that is basically saying the product is not worth it but lets throw in a free t-shirt to try and make it slightly more appealing. I want office, not skype calls, not cloud storage, not free upgrade. Just office. If they can't sell it for what it is, but have to include all these incentives, then it's clearly not worth it.
Which is why it a good thing that Microsoft has options to purchase its solutions.... and obviously your use case isn't the target audience, as someone who needs more than 1 Office License Office365 is much more cost effective and flexible, of course I use a Business Subscription but I would consider Home Premium if my needs were strictly personal...
I am a Physics student. I do all my math work in OneNote, and I print it from One Note to hand it in.

I've had to write some stuff in Word, I've done some presentation work in Power Point and lots of spreadsheet work in Excel. I now use Drawboard PDF to annotate pdfs, such as those my lecturers provide me with. I've used MATLAB a decent bit.

So check if there is any "specialist" software for your course, and see if you can get that. For notes, OneNote is perfectly adequate, along with Drawboard (costs a few pounds).

Also, check out Flashcards Pro, which I will be trying to make use of next semester. Fantastic app for creating and using flashcards.

As for Office, get it if you can, it's nice to have.
And don't forget one of the most important items, a thumb drive to backup your important notes, and Office data to once in awhile.