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Do you see having more than one charger a waste of money?


I have two and planning to pick up a 3rd (want to have two at home, one at desk, other in bedroom). Everyone I know never understand why a 2nd charger is usually one of the first things I buy when I get a new portable device. Right now I have one at home (which I carry back and fourth between my room and desk) and the other at work at my desk. Having 2 is a must because I now bring in my SP3 to work every day and lugging back a charger, constantly plugging and unplugging it 4 times a day, 20 times a week just isnt something Id enjoy.

I would get tired of fiddling around with cords everytime. I dont even have to carry any charger with me anywhere. Pull the end from the SP3 connecter, slide the SP3 into my case and its done. Dont have to unwhine tangled cords, reroute them, bunch them up, pack it up in the case, unpack it, etc. Besides, what people under estimate is that it saves a lot of wear on the charger plugs itself by not pluggin it in 4 times a day.

Everyone here at work always carry their charger with them everywhere with their laptops and are constantly plugging it and unpluggined it into socks, 4, 5, + times a day, unwhinding tangled cords, etc. And some of their power packs are huge and super long. Stuffing them into tight bags, etc.
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I have two and planning to pick up a 3rd (have two at home, one at desk, other in bedroom). Everyone I know never understand why a 2nd charger is usually one of the first things I buy when I get a new portable device. Right now I have one at home and the other at work at my desk. Having 2 is a must because I now bring in my SP3 to work every day and lugging back a charger, constantly plugging and unplugging it 4 times a day, 20 times a week just isnt something Id enjoy. I would get tired of fiddling around with cords everytime. I dont even have to carry any charger with me anywhere. Pull the end from the SP3 connecter and its done. Dont have to unwhind tangled cords, reroute them, bunch them up, pack it up in the case, unpack it, etc. Besides, what people under estimate is that it saves a lot of wear on the charger plugs itself by not pluggin it in 4 times a day.

Everyone here at work always carry their charger with them everywhere and are constantly plugging it and unpluggined it into socks, 4, 5, + times a day.

I completely agree with you. I have three also. One stays at the office, one stays home, and one stays in the bag.
I usually go with two... one at office and one in bag or at home but I have been burned by forgetting to get one in the bag on a trip and had to buy a universal one. which currently is a problem with respect to Surfaces since they use that custom connector. I've never used two at home in different rooms though :)
Yeah not 2 in the same house. I get good enough battery life where I'm fine as long as I have a charger nearby.
Do you see having more than one charger a waste of money?

Certainly not. I use my Surface at home and at work so I bought a second power supply so I don't need to take one back and forth.
For my past few computers, I always make a point of to ensure getting the matching travel charger and then one for home. It's all I need. I would get another one if I'm in a specific place a long time.
+1 for two chargers. One for the office and one for home/travel.

For the longest time I only had the one at the office because it'd be charged up all day and I wouldn't use up the battery in the evening, but having a second one for home and for travel was a much nicer setup instead of packing up the office one or potentially forgetting it over the weekend.
Minimum of 2; one always in the bag, one in the office. But i would prefer another one at home, so i do not have to take out the one from the bag
Is it safe to get a universal/third-party charger from Amazon as a backup? I wont use it to fully charge the SP3 everyday. Just to keep one in the bag in case I need it. Maybe Ill use it once or twice a week just for 10-20% charge. The thing is, the original charge is so expensive for that use, yet it cant be used for other laptops in case I replaced the SP3 with something else that's not a SP4 (unlikely, though).
Do you use universal chargers?

(man I wish the SP3 could last just 2 hours longer)