You bought one, where is it now? Have you updated to the latest Windows Update? You want to own? Did you return it?I bought one launch day, was too slow. Web pages crashed (verge iPhone 5 review 100% of time), etc.
How better is it now?
I want to own, but need it to function.
You bought one, where is it now? Have you updated to the latest Windows Update? You want to own? Did you return it?
Let me liken the Surface v1 to the iPadv1. They both have a few things in common, lack of apps and WiFi connectivity problems. All are being addressed and at least two firmware updates have been released to date. IMO the Surface RT as is - is superior to the latest iPad. It's revolutionary. I'm fully convinced Microsoft is fully committed to this product and I only expect great leaps in the RT operating system in the future. BTY - how long did you own/use your RT before giving up?
I'm not fond of that website but hey, it's a free internet! ��. Still would like to know what updates OP has installed.