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I just want to know why Microsoft?

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference...
I depend on my PC's both Mac and Windows to make my living.

Unless an update is to specifically to address an issue I'm having and I can't manage without it being fixed I NEVER install an update when their released. I leave it a few days until I see the no one is having any bad issues.
I'm lucky I guess having more than one Windows and Mac device so I can install the updates on only one to see how they go. That way at least I'm not writing of a day sorting out problems, and fixing any issues when I have time.
History has show many an update that has caused adverse effects, so it's not just a matter of if but when.

You are amongst the few who have that kind of option to do that. Right now the SP3 is my daily driver at work. I have a spare Windows 7 box for testing and other utilities, but it might be wise to disable the auto updates and see the fall out when the next patch Tuesday comes out.

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference...

Nice. Patience is truly a virtue.
You are amongst the few who have that kind of option to do that. Right now the SP3 is my daily driver at work. I have a spare Windows 7 box for testing and other utilities, but it might be wise to disable the auto updates and see the fall out when the next patch Tuesday comes out.

Nice. Patience is truly a virtue.

Yes I fully realize that not everybody is in that position. Just that if you totally depend on the device you accept updates can go wrong and at least pick a time to do them that creates minimum disruption should that happen.
For instance unless really necessary I never apply updates or do re -configuration while traveling with no spare time for reinstalls etc. Under those circumstance I don't have a second device to rely on.