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Lost WinTab pressure sensitivity after update


New Member
Ok so, Tuesday I get home with my SP3, install all the updates + the N-trig drivers and then Gimp & FireAlpaca. No pressure sensitivity in either app.

Got frustrated with it so I reset my device to factory settings and install N-trig, and FireAlpace. Pressure works! Finally! Now I can install those updates.

After the updates(35?) no pressure sensitivity in FA. Well, this unit was defective anyway(hinge pop), so I take it back to the MS store and bring this one home.

Again, I install N-Trig and FA. Pressure works.

Install updates and... of course no pressure. I tried removing and reinstalling N-trig and FA to no avail. Pressure works fine in Fresh Paint.

Not sure where to go from here. Anyone else having this issue?
I got an email that someone asked whether this was the Microsoft released WinTab driver. I guess that post was deleted, but just to clarify, I downloaded the N-trig WinTab driver from the support section of the N-trig website. When it asks for OS/Manufacturer/Product, I selected Win8.1/MS/SP3.

Pressure seems to work fine on the Sketchbook Express metro app. I'm not sure if that uses Microsofts ink api or wintab.