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Macgirl here, considering dumping my Mac and ipad for a SP3


Hey all!

Well, over the past few weeks I have been eyeing the SP3 mainly because of the form factor and the all in one concept really appeals to me and my lifestyle.

Bit of a history from me. Ive been using a 13" non retina MBP for the past 3.5 years, that I bought in April 2011. Over time, I started hating Mac more and more (mainly the OS) and after buying an ipad air last Dec 2013, I honestly couldnt go back to the MBP because the screen was so inferior and felt so fuzzy.

Also, I cant stand the keyboard on my model as the feedback is just way too soft for my liking. I much prefer ultra flat (with minimal key travel) but with a nice firm click when the keys are pressed. My MBP keyboard was just mushy and actually required more work from your fingers. It was a major chore to type on, I carried around an external keyboard with it.

Fast forward a bit, over the past year since I got my ipad air, I pretty much have been using the ipad everyday after work (I already spend 8 hours a day in front of my computer at work, so the last thing i want is to spend more time at my home desk). Over time i just realized that i much prefer to do my computing on the couch or in bed when at home.

Anyways, over time (because i was typing so much on my ipads from overusing it), it just got tedious over time typing on a touchscreen especially when I had to type out longer paragrahs. I even tried Logitech attachment keyboards and didnt like it and couldnt justify the price. I cant quite put my finger on it but keyboards on an ipad just dont feel right to me. And of course I wouldnt use my MBP because the keyboard sucked and the screen was so fuzzy. amd i rarely used my monitors because i didnt want to be at a desk.

Ive had my MBP connected to two 24" monitors at my desk for the past year and maybe use it 1-2 hours every weekend if that. Thats the only time I would actually enjoy using it was when I had it connected to better displays and keyboard.

Ive been wanting to sell my MBP for the past year and a half, but the only thing that has always scared me was that i would lose too much money. The resale value on macs today isnt near was it was 5 years ago because pretty much everyone has one today! Well if im not enjoying using it, then its better than it just sitting there collecting dust.

So this is where the SP3 actually appeals to me and I think potentially is a much better fit in my life than the MBP + ipad air combo.

What do you guys think? Has anyone here converted from mac + ipad to SP3?

I picked up the core i5 128GB model a couple days ago and all I have to say is that Im absolutely in love with this thing! THIS IS ONE ULTRA SLICK DEVICE!!! I am falling in love with this thing! I definitely did not see this coming. And I was really hesistant in trying this out because of the price!!!!! The price was the main thing holding me back - the fact that even if I sold my Mac and ipad air, I would still have to shell out at least a few hundred for the SP3.

Mind you, selling my MBP ($650-700ish) and ipad air ($300ish) would really eat majority of the $1200 cost.

The screen on this thing is absolutely crazy and blows away the screen on my MacBook Pro. This is forsure retina quality.

The keyboard is actually surprisingly soooo comfy to type on and a joy to use. I just love the ultra low key travel and super crisp throwback from the keys. This makes typing absolutely effortless with minimal strain on the fingers.

Another thing is that I JUST got a new phone that has a 6.4" screen and my ipad air is only 50% larger. 6.4 vs 9.7 = 3.2" difference. I put them side by side and its not a huge difference.

I wonder if the SP3 12" screen would be more suitable to go hand and hand with my 6.4" phone?

I do love the stylus and the fact i can now take notes and just do so much more than on the ipad. i have always wanted a USB PORT on my ipad. having to sync up to itunes (which i absolutely hate) just to remove pictures has always been one of my pet peeevs.

But i worry if this device is safe long term to be used a lot in bed (meaning it lays on bedsheets and blankets and clothes a lot of the time. Since it does get quite hot!

Another thing is, typing on an ipad so much for a year is so different than the sp3 keyboard. i find the placement of some of the keys on the SP3 on screen keyboard to be in bit awkward non ideal positions. why is the keyboard off centre! is there a way to change the keyboard styles?

What are your thoughts on my situation?
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Agree, welcome and it does sound like you've convinced yourself. :)

I used to own a non-retina MBP but then upgraded to the retina earlier this year. I have to use both Mac and Windows for work and play but I find myself more and more using the SP3. I love the ultra thin portable factor and the looks. And you're right, the display depending on what I'm doing is on par or better than the retina MBP! So far its been taking some nice compliments when I take it around including the local coffee shops.

Sooner or later, I might offload my Mac but until then the SP3 has been getting far more attention and use.
definitely sounds like a match for you, but it will take some time getting used to coming from a MBA to the SP3, but with that said make sure you know everything you can about the SP3 so you don't have any surprises and then come back to complain LOL but the SP3 is a great machine IMO...
While I have not come from a Mac, I have come from a ThinkPad (R400 and X201) whose keyboard is extraordinarily good. I love the ThinkPad form factor (especially the X201 series till about the X220). But I converted to the Surface line when the first Surface RT came into the market. I loved the concept of the RT machines though the first edition left much to be desired from. The keyboard was also very good, albeit a bit flimsy. My biggest turn off was the aspect ratio of the Surface RT. The X201/ R400 screen aspect ratio is 4:3 while the Surface RT's aspect ratio was 16:10 (if I am not mistaken). When the Surface 2 was released, I immediately upgraded and it was a much better and slicker experience. The keyboard experience was that much better (I don't know if they engineered it differently). Still the aspect ratio bothered me. So, when the SP3 was released, I jumped on it and have been on it since. The aspect ratio is excellent and while it is a reflective screen (as compared to the matte screens on my ThinkPad machines), I have found the screen to be excellent and crisp. I also found the keyboard improved as compared to that of the Surface 2 (again I don't know if the KB was re-engineered). Since the day I bought my SP3 (which is the same config as yours) - which was on June 20th - the SP3 has travelled long and far with me and it has performed brilliantly! It is infinitely lighter than the ThinkPad (X201), the battery lasts longer and the profile of the device (it resembles the Surface 2-RT) is slick and light.

I am not sure I can go back to the ThinkPads. The Surface Pro 3 has made an enthusiast of me in terms of not simply the Surface line, but also of these so-called hybrid devices.

And going back to your original post, as Leeshor observes, you seem to have sold yourself on the SP3.

I'm surprised you would find the keyboard on the MacBook so poor. In fact, as much as I love, my SP3, the keyboard on any MacBook is better, MacBooks in fact are the best keyboard and track pads in the business.

The iPad I still use. Lying in bed with a heavy 12 inch tablet is not ideal. In addition the battery life on the iPad is much better and I like the browser on the iPad better.

I would get the SP3 first before selling your MacBook or iPad and see how you go.
Sounds like your old macbook was potentially using an old dome-style keyboard, which are pretty poor in quality compared to mechanical keyboards.

I actually have a really good keyboard and mouse for my desktop, the Corsair K70 and M95 - Amazing hardware, however I still do all my typing on my SP3 simply for the convenience factor. I like to chill a bit when doing work, and I find it easier than sitting up at my desk.

Since I got my SP3, my desktop has only been used for gaming and downloads. I used it a lot more for general work when I had my SP2 - probably mostly to do with screen size.

The iPad I still use. Lying in bed with a heavy 12 inch tablet is not ideal. In addition the battery life on the iPad is much better and I like the browser on the iPad better.
I would get the SP3 first before selling your MacBook or iPad and see how you go.

Heavy 12 inch tablet? Compared to the new ipads or Samsung tablets, sure, it's heavier and you would notice that, but by no means would I say it's too heavy to use for casual tablet stuff.
Thanks for the feedback.

As much as I love the SP3 so far (I have to remember its only been 2 days), but I only have 12 days left as Best buy only gives 14 days to decide.

Im pretty much sold on it from a computer standpoint and it replacing my MBP.

Im still a bit iffy on it as a tablet. Mind you, on my ipad im not really one for using apps (theres only a few I use), so whether or not I will miss having access to the ios store Im not sure. Im assuming probably not since i pretty much only use my ipad for web browsing.

I will admit, Apples onscreen keyboard is bar none the best designed keyboard ever. I could type on it with 4 fingers like nothing. The SP3 on screen keyboard feels very very different.

But what I really love about the SP3 is the form and asthetics. Just how it looks and with the type cover on, it pretty much looks like a bigger ipad with a smart cover on. I love the kickstand and how its metal (very sturdy, no Apple smart cover BS), and its built in! Dont have to pay extra for it. And again the all in one concept really sells me as I am a minimalist by nature and prefer less clutter around the house. That results in less devices in having to constantly update, charge, more chargers, remembering where your files are etc.
I'm surprised you would find the keyboard on the MacBook so poor. In fact, as much as I love, my SP3, the keyboard on any MacBook is better, MacBooks in fact are the best keyboard and track pads in the business.

The iPad I still use. Lying in bed with a heavy 12 inch tablet is not ideal. In addition the battery life on the iPad is much better and I like the browser on the iPad better.

I would get the SP3 first before selling your MacBook or iPad and see how you go.

I love the Mac trackpad I will contest to that, but everyone else has caught up interms of implementing multi gestures features etc.

But the keyboard on my Mac are the old style, they are absolutely terrible. Read up 2011 MacBook pro keyboard reviews and you will see that many have complained about the overly soft mushy keys with lack of key throwback. On the Macbooks from 2012 and on, those are fine...but I have no interest in macs anymore, besides i wasnt gonna buy a new one just for the keyboard.

I use mac and PC at work, and thats enough for me when it comes to macs.
My sp3 has already replaced my MBPro and iPad. I don't even bother with them anymore.
Nuff said.
I still have a Macbook Air, an iPad & Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, along with the SP (I have a dock at home). When I think about the "carry/bag" test (which one do you carry around or put in your bag for work?) then the SP3 wins hands down.

I had some early issues (on my 3rd SP3) but they are a thing of the past. Having used Macs since ancient times, I had pretty high expectations for the SP3. It has its quirks but bottom line is that it's the one device I reach for time after time. That speaks volumes. I just checked and found I hadn't used the MB Air in over 7 weeks.
I also have a Galaxy Note 4 phone which is an excellent book reading device and good for taking notes on the fly.
My sp3 has already replaced my MBPro and iPad. I don't even bother with them anymore.
Nuff said.

I guess to each their own but even from the battery life point of view, it is an issue with the SP3. I use mine all day then a lot at night while lying in bed. The battery life just isn't there yet to use that often.

I also think a slab weighing nearly two pounds lying on your chest while web surfing is, mmm, just a bit much, not to mention the size of it

Even Microsoft has given up the fight to some degree with the Surface as a tablet by increasing the size.

They also haven't fixed a lot of things that need fixing with the web browser. I wouldn't say it totally sucks but modern IE needs a few fixes such as not making you wait for a complete refresh when you flip back through pages.

I think too regardless of the merit of the devices, it is great having more than one device. My Surface gets used heavily during the day and meanwhile the iPad is fully charged at night.