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Microsoft Band 2 VS Fitbit Charge HR


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I'm currenlty the owner of a fitbit charge HR. I like it very much but it has a few drawbacks and I'm trying to decide whether I would be better off with the MS band or sticking with the Fitbit.

Pluses for Fitbit charge HR:
  • Cross platform app works yes there is an app for my windows phone
  • 4-5 day battery life even with HR monitor switched on all the time
  • Fairly accurate HR readings for a wrist monitor worn on the outside of the wrist.
  • Customisable display (can choose which order to view things).
  • Quite good at sleep tracking
  • Reasonably comfortable strap (with proviso below)
Minuses for Fitbit Charge HR:
  • No notifications received from phone (doesn't work with Windows phoen but apparently does with iOS and android)
  • Display small so I tend to wear this as well as a watch as I can't easily see the display to tell the time (but then I guess a larger and always-on display would cut down battery life).
  • Not waterproof so hard to clean properly and my skin gets irritated by trapped dirt in the little areas I can't get to to clean.
I'm quite interested in the MS band 2, it looks a lot better design wise than the old version that looked like an uncomfortable handcuff. I like the idea of the screen showing more info but the battery life seems a lot lower and I'm useless at even charging my fitbit every 5 days. however I wanted to know some owners thoughts. Has anyone had both of these devices and can compare the two?
No one?

Ok so there might not by anyone who's had both devices but I know there's people here with the MS band who can comment on the pros and cons as above.
Regarding the Microsoft Band 2 (upgraded from the first Band and Fitbit Flex):
- Very comfortable (especially by comparison to original Band)
- Battery lasts about 3 days for me
- Tracks one 30 minute workout a day wonderfully
- Sleep tracking very good
- Elevation tracking is quite accurate. I take the stairs often, and report is nearly spot on
- Curved display quality, look, feel is excellent
- Re-designed charger better. Charges from clasp, not from behind display.
Fitbit charges from behind the watch which is annoying and hard to get the charger to stay in just right. Also the charger wire supplied is unique fit and VERY short. I tend to keep it attached to the USB charge port on my Surface pro 3 charger all the time.

Is the Band 2 available in different colours (could look that up for myself..lol).