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Microsoft Says Apple Was Following Them With iPad Pro


Microsoft exec says Apple copied them with iPad Pro.JPG

Business Insider reports that Microsoft general manager for Surface, Ryan Gavin, has told them that the iPad Pro was a “clear example” of Apple following Microsoft and not the other way round.
“Think about it, if we had been looking at [Apple] we wouldn’t have made a product like Surface Pro or Surface Book,” Gavin told Business Insider. “We have been learning and perfecting our products in the 2-in-1 category for years, now [but] when Surface initially launched everyone was sceptical, including them. And then they followed, and the iPad Pro is a clear example of that.”

Gavin conceded that Microsoft does keep an eye on its competition, but as far as actually assembling the Surface hardware is concerned, “we don’t really look at Apple.”

Speaking during Microsoft’s Studio Space event at London Tech Week, Gavin said that Microsoft’s main reason for creating the Surface Laptop was because “our customers wanted it.”

Gavin also briefly addressed the ever-present rumours that Microsoft is working on a Surface phone, simply saying that should a Surface Pro ever appear, it “will not resemble what we know and think of as a phone today.”

Source: A Microsoft exec said that the iPad Pro is a 'clear example' of Apple following Microsoft