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New member- I may have borked my surface pro 3

I am chatting with them now. Having me do a hard reset. As you say, they will send me a new one if it doesn't work
Sort of. The pen started working again randomly. Not after reset, not after the updates, but about an hour later. This is frustrating. Let's see how it goes. :-/
What's worse is that the pen works somewhat sporadically. It especially seems to have a delay in being recognized. Once it is recognized, it looks like it works ok until I pull it away from the screen. Then it may or may not work the instant I put the pen back down or hover. This is particularly bad when the computer is under any load.
So far so good. Looks like it is coming out of connected standby ok. Looks like the wifi is working. I did lose internet connection once but so did my other devices. Required a restart of the router. Weird. The real wifi test will be at work tomorrow. The fan still sounds like a camera shutter when it turns on but I'm not crying over that. But the Blasted pen!!