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New Surface 2 - trouble with Youtube videos

Dave T.

New Member
Hey guys,

Got the new Surface 2 last night and I've been playing with it quite a bit. Nice machine so far, with one exception...

I am having trouble on Youtube playing videos on both the mobile version of IE and the desktop version. The desktop version won't take any input from the on screen keyboard (don't have the Type Cover 2 yet) to search, and nothing happens when I tap on a video. Then, when I tap anywhere on the screen after tapping a video, I get an error that "Youtube is not responding" and I have to recover the page.

In the mobile version, sometimes the videos work, sometimes they take forever to start... and sometimes they don't play at all. When they don't work at all, it seems to freeze the IE Mobile.

I installed all the updates (all 23 of them) when I set up the machine.
I added Youtube to the compatibly list.
I have 5 full bars on Wi-Fi.
I made sure all other apps/windows were closed.

Any suggestions? Youtube is one of my favorites sites, and one of the reasons I wanted a surface... the ability to play videos.
you shouldn't be having trouble with YouTube vids, they all play perfectly on my RT and should play even better on your Surface 2, you shouldn't have to put YouTube in your compatibility list as it should/does work fine, maybe try taking it off your compatibility list and try again and also try looking in your devices and see if you have any exclamations on your video or other hardware that might be not working properly. other than that I have no idea and maybe someone else more knowledgeable can chime in...

I went through device manager and checked just about everything. Each one says "Device is working properly".

I see a bunch of error events in the System log that have a source of DistributedCom eventID 10016. Not sure what that's all about.

Removing Youtube from the compatibility list did nothing.

EDIT: Noticed a bunch of errors in the Administrative events. I'll try and track them down.
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I noticed yesterday some issues like those described by you with youtube but all the others video streaming pages that I tested were fine so I assumed it was youtube.
I noticed yesterday some issues like those described by you with youtube but all the others video streaming pages that I tested were fine so I assumed it was youtube.

Thanks ctitanic,

Can you point me to some other video streaming sites?

Never mind, I found some. Thanks again... and you are right, they seem to be working fine.
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i'm having big problems with youtube also on my surface 2... it freezes everytime i open youtube...but if i'm quick and play a video before it freezes it's fine. but when i go back to search or main page it freezes again :(
Hey guys,

Got the new Surface 2 last night and I've been playing with it quite a bit. Nice machine so far, with one exception...

I am having trouble on Youtube playing videos on both the mobile version of IE and the desktop version. The desktop version won't take any input from the on screen keyboard (don't have the Type Cover 2 yet) to search, and nothing happens when I tap on a video. Then, when I tap anywhere on the screen after tapping a video, I get an error that "Youtube is not responding" and I have to recover the page.

In the mobile version, sometimes the videos work, sometimes they take forever to start... and sometimes they don't play at all. When they don't work at all, it seems to freeze the IE Mobile.

I installed all the updates (all 23 of them) when I set up the machine.
I added Youtube to the compatibly list.
I have 5 full bars on Wi-Fi.
I made sure all other apps/windows were closed.

Any suggestions? Youtube is one of my favorites sites, and one of the reasons I wanted a surface... the ability to play videos.

Same here guys, it's defiantly not our surface's it's YouTube. After the new comment system update, I am pretty sure google is going through maintenance with YouTube and it's causing some delays. It's been over 3 days and I still can't watch a video for a decent time without it crashing!!
Exact same with me buddy. There is another thread active with people with the same problem. My guess is it's google under going maintenance after the new comment update for YouTube. It's incredibly frustrating but for a temporary fix, I reset IE.

It doesn't wipe your favourites or anything but only cached websites.

1. Top right corner hit the settings icon under the 'X'
2. Internet options
3. Advanced tab
4. Down at the bottom is reset

It helps a little, im now able to watch a least a couple of videos before it doesn't respond. Anyway good luck with that!
You not alone. The problem is on youtube side. Ive been having same issue occur on my pro also. Youtube servers kinda messed up at the moment.
Looks like it's an IE 11 issue, not just Surface.
My PC IE browser crashes on Youtube now too.
Chrome browser on the PC works fine.