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Picked up New RT


New Member
Well I went to the MS store today to pic up an RT today. The kid said today he was able to sell me the 64gb model without the touch pad. Great I said and wanted to to get it with the type cover. He tried to ring it up and no go, so I am stuck with the 32gb model. I figured that I will play with it and if I like it return it for the 64gb model.

Now that I have one, anything insight on what I should get for apps,tweaks, etc? We have a Big Blizzard coming to the Northeast so at least I will have the surface to play with :)

Congrats Chris. Where to start, well out of the gate just make sure you go through the full updating process until there are no updates left. You will want to do this through the desktop control panel to make sure you get all of the updates. Other than that reading through this section might help Microsoft Surface Support Forum.

Well I went to the MS store today to pic up an RT today. The kid said today he was able to sell me the 64gb model without the touch pad. Great I said and wanted to to get it with the type cover. He tried to ring it up and no go, so I am stuck with the 32gb model. I figured that I will play with it and if I like it return it for the 64gb model.


I had the same problem, but I found that if you get a 64gig card to add to the surface, it resolves most of the issues, gives you even more memory for a cheaper price, and gives you some flexibility in being able to plug the card into other devices for quick access to any media you store on it. I have a ton of apps and email and still have around 7gig of free space on mine, so I am not too concerned about running out of memory.
Good luck with the Surface. I know you will really enjoy it once you get it set up. I have had mine since October and it has been a pleasure to use.
Hi Guys. This comes from my Surface RT with the type cover, which BTW is the best cover in the business hands down!! I have only banged on it for a little bit, but so far, I think this is a really nice unit. I was contemplating the surface Pro, but I don't need another full blown PC, I have a Dell 15Z for that plus the extra weight, battery life and heat generation killed it for me. I wanted a tablet experience and this is doing it and more! I have been a tech guy for years so I would say that I know my stuff when it comes to Windows, Android, Apple, etc. I do not understand why everyone is bashing the Surface? Sure it's a new OS and they are just ramping up with Apps, etc. but it's so easy to use, even for my wife who kept saying I want an Ipad. Well can an Ipad connect to my WHS and stream photo's videos, recorded shows....NO!! She took to it very easy. once you learn the basic gestures, your flying.

Everyone is nitpicking on this device. Why does it have the desktop, its confusing..blah..blah..blah..Get over it. Surface pulls it all together and does a very nice job of it.

looking forward to spending more time on the surface. We just have to get the word out there, that this is a great tablet.

MSSurfaceWA, That's what I was thinking. I guess I have to understand, how do you get apps on the card and have them integrate into the start screen like its on the system memory? From what I was reading , you had to go through file manager, which I guess if there was one complaint, its this type of interaction.

Thanks Everyone
Hey capdad. I am similar to you in the fact I have always been keen to messing with new gadgets like the tablets, e readers, and such. The touch screen is what sold me a few years ago. I just find it more enjoyable surfing the net, playing games, etc on tablets. When I go back on my laptop I find myself very awkward using keys again! lol
The Surface is a fine tablet and I agree that I too cannot understand the bashing that is way overboard and not with any merit. But it goes both ways as I have seen glowing reviews from fanboys and totally negative and bias reports from someone who never used it. The keyboard cover sold me as we'll as the design and size. The Surface can only get better if given a chance. The iPad is going into a 5th generation this year and even though some major improvements might happen like dual speakers, thinner, lighter, it is still basically how it began as with improvements you would expect or hope for. Same goes for the Surface. For being the 1st incarnation, it is darn good. I am hoping the RT or Pro gets a Retina type screen, better audio, more apps. It most likely will if we are lucky. Hopefully this will not end up like the HP (I think it was that brand) that sold hardly any units until it was discontinued and sold of $99 and surprise, many people liked it after it was too late.