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Problem naming new folder


New Member
In my new SP I'm trying to make the sd card permanent to use for libraries. Every instruction guide has you create a new folder on C: (usually called SD). But when I do that I get an error message saying some file is open in that folder. It's a new folder that I'm creating! Any idea what is going on?

A new folder called "new folder" is created but I can't rename it.

Does it behave in the same manner when you power cycle?
Naming problems

Does it behave in the same manner when you power cycle?

Thanks for responding. I don't know the answer. But perhaps that is how I was able to eventually rename the folder. I tried it again and it let me rename the folder but then later when I tried to create folders I got the same problem. In the end it didn't seem necessary to put the libraries there so I abandoned the project. Now I just use the drive for extra storage.