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Review of IVSO Smart Cover Case


New Member
I got this this week http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KSVSKJ4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Overall it's not a bad case. I wanted something to protect my Surface for job site meetings. It doesn't add much bulk and adds some grip. It's made of a synthetic leather and didn't smell of chemicals which was nice. My use case for this is to take notes for job site meetings, notate blue prints and review scope of work notes. It beats carrying around a full set of blue prints and notebook. My dislikes are its kind of sloppy when folded back onto itself, other than that it's seems well made. Despite the name, it does not function as a Smart Cover, meaning it does not turn off the screen when closed. It is magnetic and sticks to itself when closed.

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That's a nice alternative to the type cover if you don't want to go that route, but still provide protection. It's a shame it doesn't' turn off the screen when closed. Very nice appearance when closed.
Looks nice. I imagine by covering the back it could interfere with cooling but only with CPU intensive programs.
Can the type cover still be attached? Looks like could be.
I tried it with the keyboard and it doesn't shut properly. The sides have minimal coverage so the vents are not blocked.