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Solved - Go USB connection to Android smartphone?


New Member
I can read and write to USB pen or external disk via USB with an adapter, but find that I cannot read the files on my smartphone. I had no problem doing this with my older laptop (also Windows 10) via USB: why is there an apparent incompatibility between Surface and Android? Is this Microsoft's way of restricting what had previously been an open system?
I don’t have a GO, but you might do a Cortana search for “Windows Features” and enable SMB to be able to read the files on that phone.
SMB Direct is enabled. I tried turning on 1.0 CFS File Sharing Support (even though I have no idea what SMB is - of any sort!) but still could not access Android files. File Explorer has always reported the existence of the phone by name when connected, but will not show any subfolders or files.
Belay the above comment! When I restarted the Go with SMB File Sharing and allowed the access on the phone, all was revealed! Many thanks.