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Surface 2 RT Text Expander


New Member
I'm hoping somebody can help me with a really frustrating problem that is rendering my Surface almost useless for the job I purchased it for......

I have to fill in web forms daily, many times a day out and about. It's repetitive and tedious but I have to fill in the same stock phrases over and over.

I bought the surface to have more mobile office capability and to replace an Ipad

I need to be able to use some kind of text expander or hot keys that is to say set a custom phrase that will auto fill when say 2 or 3 keys are input.

For example: "This is really annoying me" filled in on say the thi keys pressed as the trigger.

Cut and paste is just not an option and I'm back on the skanky Ipad for the only reason that it lets me set keyboard shortcuts.

There must be a way? Surely????

Many thanks in advance :)
Using the On Screen Keyboard or Touch Cover will enable predictive typing in MUI IE (doesn't work in Desktop IE) and it will learn your phrases, to insert you use the spacebar gesture...
Using the On Screen Keyboard or Touch Cover will enable predictive typing in MUI IE (doesn't work in Desktop IE) and it will learn your phrases, to insert you use the spacebar gesture...
Hi Jnroach and many thanks for your reply.... I'm not sure what you mean though or how to go about getting the space bar gesture?

I'm obviously missing the thing completely.... your guidance would be gratefully received :)
To select on of the Predictive Text with the Sapcebar is a swipe gesture from left to right...
So how many text strings are we talking about, roughly.

It is a shame I didn't see any Hotkey software available although there are a number of apps for copy and paste in the Store such as CopyAndPaste which will let you create up to 100 strings to copy. that might work in a side by side scenario depending on what your going into.... document Forms? Web Forms? although you could do almost the same thing with a formatted Word doc using find.

It seems the predictive text thing would be a real learning experience.

I think the best solution is for Microsoft to invest a Billion dollars to pay companies/developers to convert their existing desktop software. Hardware and OS alone wont get there. More on this in a future article...