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Solved Surface 3 LTE GPS

Have you downloaded any Windows 10 Microsoft maps?
And what about Google Earth? Menu options on Google Earth are specifically to enable GPS.

Hi Sharpcolorado

Thanks for your suggestions. I really appreciate your taking the time to respond to a question that's not actually about the device you are using!

I've downloaded google earth and fiddled around with the GPS settings but all I'm seeing is a nice picture of the world - it's not displaying my location. However I've never managed to get to grips with Google Earth properly. I need to sit down and spend some time with it to learn it in detail. So the fact it's not displaying my location isn't necessarily a GPS problem - it could be user error.

I have downloaded the W10 MS map of Europe and I can display the map perfectly when I'm not in range of a network. But when I press the button at the right hand side to determine my location, I just get an error message saying "I'm sorry - I can't tell where you are at the moment". So I'm pretty sure it is only using the wifi / mobile signal too determine location, not the GPS signal. Similarly, if I use apps like "GPS Satellite", it will display my Lat and Long, but not altitude (it always shows it as zero). This, again, makes me think that location is determined by using network signals, not GPS.
Okay. Try turning location settings OFF. That is because the location settings are all about the Internet, not about using your own peripheral hardware.
Thanks again, Sharpcolorado

I think I see what you are trying to do - it sounds logical.

When I turned off location settings, my W10 mapping apps all return error messages like:
"we're not allowed to find you. Location settings are turned off for maps. To help us find you, change this in settings"
So unfortunately this solution didn't appear to work.

I wonder if it might be possible to use a desktop programme to test out the GPS, rather than a W10 app I saw from your screenshots on your helpful post on the Surface Pro 3 with GPS dongle, that you appeared to be using a program called "QStarzGpsView v1.2.24". Could I download this and try it as an alternative to the mapping apps? Or is it proprietary software that comes bundled with the dongle and which will only work with the dongle? It may not allow positioning on a map, but at least I could reassure myself that the inbuilt GPS sensor is actually working.

Go ahead and try the QStarz software. It should scan your ports to find a GPS stream.
Look for GPS View v1.2.24 for Windows.

Also, there is a desktop app which works with Google Maps to show your GPS position. I have used this with Surface Pro 2.
See Google Maps with GPS Tracker
Hi Sharpcolorado and Leeshor

Thanks again for trying to help resolve this problem.

I tried both QStarz and GM with tracker and unfortunately neither worked.

They were both completely dead - no specific error messages (except with GM with tracker when I tried to use the iQue M5 Built-in GPS type, when I got a "unable to load queapi.dll" error). Just no sign of any signal no matter what combination of baud rate and COM ports I selected.

I'm wondering if the GPS part of the embedded geolocation device is defective. But I did have exactly the same problem with a Dell Venue tablet, which suggests to me that for some reason Windows tablets just can't work with the embedded GPS signal (whereas Apple and Android can), rather than there being a defect with the unit.

Any help anyone can offer would be gratefully received - esp from anyone who has a Surface 3 LTE and who has actually got the GPS functionality working properly!

Thanks again
You might want to use a dongle such as I have posted about. They are certainly cheaper than the mental anguish you are experiencing over this. Later, Windows 10 might handle this better, and you will be good to go, but for now, a dongle would probably do you well.
Hi Sharpcolorado
It's disappointing that Windows won't work though I expect (hope??) that one day it will. In the meantime yours is a is a wise and pragmatic solution and I'll probably have a go with it as you suggest. I have only a limited amount of hair and I can't afford to tear it all out!
Thanks for your efforts to help me. Even though not successful so far, it's greatly appreciated.
Hi all!

Thanks for all your replies, nice discussions!

I recently ordered a refurbished Surface 3 LTE 64GB/4GB, so I'll be soon able to share my personal experience here as well. Assuming that the device is 100% ok.

I've had an Asus Vivotab RT, EXOPC, WeTab and Asus R2H. All devices that packed a GPS receiver. On all of them I have been able to us the GPS receiver in Microsoft Autoroute/Streets and trips. I just had to start the GPS receiver and then MS AR was able to use it. I have never been able to use a GPS receiver in the standard Windows apps like the Maps app.

As I understand from this link:
pawel, i'm using an older GPS (sirfstar 3 based, from about 5-6 years ago, bluetooth) and use this to let metro apps see it.

Welcome to GPSDirect and GPSReverse GPS NMEA Windows 7 Windows 8 Sensor Driver iOS Android TCP

only issue i had is I have to disaple it after for wifi location to work/ not using the actual gps.
this software will enable any standard GPS dongle to be used the same way as a phone uses its GPS. Unfortunately one has to pay for the software.

Next to that if you have issues using the GPS in a Surface 3 LTE there are some people that have seemed to figure out what the cause (and even better the solution) is: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...e/e1dae3ac-cbfd-46ba-9871-4ad436f0af19?page=1

Has anyone had any success in using the built in GPS for Windows apps? And a Bluetooth GPS device? Anyone tested that? I am looking to build an Archos Cesium 80 in my car.
I tried the default maps app, turn by turn directions, in my car, and it worked fine. LTE was off, and WiFi was off.
Make sure you download the maps first before using it without LTE and WiFi.

I wanted to download Here Drive+ app for turn by turn directions, but it is not available.
Anybody know how to install it on windows 10?
It is available for windows phone, why not for windows 10?
Welcome to the forum

So far it has only been designed for phones. They don't have a full Windows version.
Tried it while in the car this morning. GPS seems to be working like a charm! Couldn't test it for a long time though as I don't have any means to mount the Surface 3 in my car yet.

In the long run I think I will mount my 8" Archos tablet in the car and use a separate GPS device with GPSDirect if needed.

Although HERE Maps will most likely be available for Windows 10 as well HERE Drive+ is only available for mobile devices. At HERE they were never really expecting people to navigate using their tablets or laptops. However, you can also use the new Maps app in Windows 10. If I am not mistaken that also supports turn-by-turn navigation for the PC version.