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Surface Book 2 inaccessible boot drive (USB boot)


New Member
Hi guys,

New to the forum, it's a little embarrassing to admit - I signed up purely for assistance on a problem I have been having.

So I have a new Surface Book 2, of which I installed Windows 10 through an external USB C SSD using Windows To Go.

Upon the first boot I was greeted with cortana and everything was fine. I did a few shutdowns and restarts without the internet and the boot was 100% operable. I also had enabled f8 boot at this point.

However when I connect to the internet, and when all of my drivers are updated - after a certain point when I restart the surface I am greeted with the BSOD 'inaccessible boot drive'. What's more interesting is when I restart and press f8, booting into safe mode it still returns the 'inaccessible boot drive' error. Trying to select boot into recovery gives me an eternal 'Please wait' message that has been going on since I started typing this post.

I am at my wits end trying to figure out what's causing it and how to manage it. I'm assuming it's a driver issue but am unsure what would be clashing.

Any help is appreciated,


Welcome to the forum, @Gantc

Let's try and get you sorted.
First step is to get Windows 10 to try and repair itself.

Hold the Power button on your Surface Book 2 until the unit powers off, back on, powers off, back on, then powers off again and back on. That is three times. Then you will proceed with trying automatic repair.

More help here: HELP, stuck at "please wait"