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What is your CPU usage with all programs closed? It's supposed to be a little bit warm when in use, it is a computer, it isn't going to be ice cold like ARM tablets are.
And since it doesn't sound like anyone else has the issue, it's obviously a defect - one that I keep encountering for some reason.
Or you simply misinterpreting normal operating temperature -- as it was just mentioned, this is not a low power ARM tablet. There is a reason why it is much faster than the ARM tablets, and why it comes with a 48W power supply.
Or you simply misinterpreting normal operating temperature -- as it was just mentioned, this is not a low power ARM tablet. There is a reason why it is much faster than the ARM tablets, and why it comes with a 48W power supply.

I get what you're saying, but like I said before, this goes beyond warm and onto actually being hot to touch, along with the fans coming on and running really loudly. I'll just watch it and go from there.

What is your CPU usage with all programs closed? It's supposed to be a little bit warm when in use, it is a computer, it isn't going to be ice cold like ARM tablets are.

I can't test that at the moment, but it's at about 3%-6% and I'd consider it a little warm. I have Firefox and Skype up.
I definitely don't expect it to be ice cold, but since no one else seems to feel heat unless they're actually running a lot of programs, which I never do, it is concerning.

My last SP2 had the same issue and it seemed to have a correlation to really bad battery life... I never got more than 3 hours or so. I'm getting about the same on the new one as well. I really just think it may be defective. Like right now, I can't use my fingers - only the stylus works. It doesn't recognize any touch from my fingers =/
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