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What's your single biggest disappointment with the Surface Pro?


Well-Known Member
Yup, most folks in here love their Surface Pro. That's why you come here. But even those of us who enjoy many many things about our new toy, there is always the one thing that really disappoints you.

Mine is different than most people think, mainly because it isn't Microsoft's fault.

The primary reason I bought the Surface Pro (and made other sacrifices such as screen size, adjustable kickstand, etc...) was that I wanted to be able to use a pen with OneNote. I really imagined myself using it to take notes all day while speaking on the phone with clients then being able to search on my handwritten notes later.

But sadly I found that my handwriting is so bad and so slow compared to typing that I just never use the pen. So the main reason I chose this form factor is no longer a compelling reason. 20/20 hindsight as they say. I still really like my Surface Pro and use it all the time. I guess I'm just disappointed I don't use it the way I imagined I would. I hate when technology, even if excellent, doesn't meet its intended use for me.

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Mine is the pen does not react well with deleting emails. Constantly have to tap to get a reaction.

Everything else is perfect.
Inability to use my Bluetooth GPS due to the lack of the SPP support and decent mapping application to use it.
I'd say its lack of usefulness as a tablet due to Windows 8 lack of capabilities. The only modern UI app I use much is IE and I have to drop to the desktop with that more than I should. The touch interface in desktop mode is not very useable. The on screen keyboard in desktop mode is a joke. So for most tasks I eventually find myself unfolding the type cover and using the touchpad mouse there. I find it astonishing there is no modern UI Office version.

I'm also very disappointed in the MS app store in both its lack of quality apps and the store UI itself. So all my Surface issues are realy Windows issues.
The weight, especially when the type cover is attached. I knew it wouldn't be as light as an iPad or a Surface RT but now that I have the type cover on it almost all the time it's on the wrong side of uncomfortable for hand holding. I'd rather not have to pop the cover on and off all the time.
Have to admit I find the issue of finding the Surface Pro too heavy interesting, it's a non-issue for me. I go from using an iPad at my girlfriend's house, to using my Surface Pro at home and obviously there is a difference, but I really don't 'feel' like there is one.

It speaks volumes that I'm sitting here trying to think of something that's really disappointed me. Off the top of my head I'd say that the touch gestures and on-screen keyboard are not quite as good as Apple's... but then again this is the first version, I'm sure it'll improve. Maybe I can think or something better (or rather, worse!) later.
Have to admit I find the issue of finding the Surface Pro too heavy interesting, it's a non-issue for me. I go from using an iPad at my girlfriend's house, to using my Surface Pro at home and obviously there is a difference, but I really don't 'feel' like there is one.

It speaks volumes that I'm sitting here trying to think of something that's really disappointed me. Off the top of my head I'd say that the touch gestures and on-screen keyboard are not quite as good as Apple's... but then again this is the first version, I'm sure it'll improve. Maybe I can think or something better (or rather, worse!) later.

It's really mostly when I'm sketching, I just wish it was a bit lighter. In truth I just pull the keyboard off now to do that and it's fine but I'd rather not have to.
Yikes the gestures are by far the best on win8 vs android and Apple. I find myself searching the android market for similar gestures for my note 8.0 of course you need to root which I have.. with an iPad 2I previously had you have to jailbreak to do anything good with it. there is a new app coming out for android called switchr _ yes drop the e. But take a look on you tube. He modled it after the win 8 gestures.oSo that should tell you some thing. Not trying to rag on your post as I find there are some software limitations with win8 and as they refine it this will get better. Not like Apple which hasn't changed in years. But I thought the thread is about SP not win 8. SO as a first generation device has far exceeded my expectations. Got a tablet and a desktop in one.

Add: but if i had to pick one thing that i hope is alot better in SP2 i would have to say battery life. I did get the external bat which adds about 4 hours of life to the SP ... but all in one with less weight would be good. That said am i disappointed in the version i have NO- i can't be disappointed in something i knew was there- low batt- before i bought it.
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External monitor support.

DP 1.2 should have been included. In addition, being able to customize zoom levels per screen.
not being able to balance it on my lap properly, like a regular laptop. if the type cover were stiffer it would be less of a problem.
Not enough storage and RAM. Also some desktop apps look like crap. I hate the metro Skype, and desktop version just looks like crap on it.
Also some applications lack pen support, such as Visio, or 3rd party ones like XML Spy or ERWIN. Then again that's not all Microsoft's fault.