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Why a Microsoft Surface?

1. Why did you buy a Microsoft Surface tablet?
I wanted a tablet to replace the kindle fire HD that I became dissatisfied with. I could not post on my favorite discussion forums due to not being able to control the cursor. I didn't like the features when reading kindle books, I liked the app on my iPhone better. In short, it did nothing well.
2. Why did you buy the version you bought?
I almost got the surface pro but didn't want to purchase additional software. I opted for the surface 2 after watching some cool reviews on youtube, and ignoring bad reviews that seemed very biased.
3. Are you using it as a main PC or a secondary PC?
I have a laptop and a netbook. I mostly use the surface 2 now! I surf the web and use office mostly. Sometimes I stream a movie. I can go to facebook and actually see pics and videos, something my kindle fire didn't do well. I use my laptop for downloading and manipulating data on my handheld gps, something the surface can't do. Actually it can save and swap waypoint data so that's pretty cool.
4. Would you buy it again?
In a heartbeat. I have a few minor issues, the speaker volume and some sleep issues. I wish there were better/more apps. But so far it's proven more useful than my kindle (other than for reading but it will suffice for that) and better than an ipad
5. Would you recommend your Surface to someone looking for a computer?
I hesitate to recommend stuff to people. I'm kind of old and most of the people my age are kind of techno dumb. I would recommend it to sentient beings though, unless they are in need of some specific apps that are unavailable for the surface. There were so many complaints about windows 8.1, and now that I"ve used it and appreciate how useful it is, my poor impression of the overall intelligence of people has only gotten lower. I have enjoyed showing it to the younger people I work with, this would be very handy for someone in school. .
6. Are you using it in a way you never expected? What is that way?
I figured I would be using it as a tablet, and to read with. Instead I use IE11 and office on it more. I thought I would read more with it but instead I have reverted to reading on my paperwhite, which is still a very nice device, for reading only.
one more thing

Almost forgot to mention, I love using ONENOTE. I've had windows seven on my laptop for some time now but did not appreciate onenote until I started revamping the way I did my bills and saved my receipts. I use it for everything now and really like that I can see my one note notebook on my phone and tablet.

I can't for the life of my explain why one note isn't more popular?!? When I went to school I had to go to a computer lab and use "wordstar" on a floppy. A real floppy not what has been labled as a floppy in later years.

There was no wysiwyg. You had to use dos, and commands, and hope it would print out on the little pin printer the way you wanted it to. Or hope you didn't accidently use the wrong command and have all your lab report disappear, or become one line, turning a 2 hour assignment into a 4 hour assigniment.

Kids these days. I also had to walk uphill both ways in the snow. :LOL:
I too used Wordstar, on a 5 1/4" hard sector floppy on a CP/M system. It was the greatest thing going. Loved it, long time. Though the computer had 2 floppy drives, one was for the entire program, the other for the data, I also had a 5 MB hard disk and everyone was jealous.
My background: software engineer, primarily in microsoft technologies.

1. Why did you buy a Microsoft Surface tablet?
2. Why did you buy the version you bought?
3. Are you using it as a main PC or a secondary PC?
4. Would you buy it again?
5. Would you recommend your Surface to someone looking for a computer?
6. Are you using it in a way you never expected? What is that way?

1. because it pretty much embodies the type of tablet-pc I've been waiting on since 2001. 1 device to rule them all.

2. I own the first gen. Got it the day it was available in my country. So I pretty much jumped on the first one I could get my hands on.

3. Main pc. Only PC even. I still have my old desktop, but it's been re-purposed as a home file / media server. It isn't even connected to monitors anymore. Only a power and network cable. If I need to do something on it for some reason or the other, I just remote desktop to it.

4. More then that. I don't see myself going back to traditional computers at all. I'm completely hooked. :cool2:

5. Depends on the person's computing needs. But in general, definatly.

6. Not really. In fact, I work with it exactly like I intended. However, I was quite surprised that the device was actually upto the task that I intended (read: hoped). I hook it up through a docking for serious business, transforming it into a quadruple monitor workstation. I use it in meetings like a laptop. I use it on the sofa as a consumption device. In short: I use it for everything that I previously used a desktop, laptop and tablet for. :nerd:

After more then a year, the thing still blows my mind.
I'll try to play:

1. Why did you buy a Microsoft Surface tablet?
The Surface Pro seems like the best hardware for the software. This has been Apple's approach from day one that the software company can make the best hardware and so far Apple has. I did wait several generations before making the move to purchase one. Kinda like a new car. You don't want to buy the first or second year model. I think (hope) that MS has all the bugs worked out now and this will be a winner.

2. Why did you buy the version you bought?
Surface Pro 3 i5 8GB - The 3 is the right size to replace my Macbook Pro and also my iPad Air. At least, that's my plan.

3. Are you using it as a main PC or a secondary PC?
Secondary/travel PC. I have a main PC. It's a big gaming rig with an actual computer desk. I know, old school.

4. Would you buy it again?
Don't know. Haven't gotten it yet.

5. Would you recommend your Surface to someone looking for a computer?
Don't know. Haven't gotten it yet.

6. Are you using it in a way you never expected? What is that way?
Don't know. Haven't gotten it yet.
I had a Windows 7 phone prior to the purchase of my RT so I was already comfortable with the tiled interface. I opted for the RT because I needed a work tablet that would travel well, and it came with the software I need to do my job (primarily Powerpoint, Word, and Excel, and I was a happy camper when they released Outlook for the RT). I've installed a few apps but I'm not really into most of them. I have a few games but the important ones are Netflix, USA Today, and the native weather app.

Last week I went into Best Buy to pick up a Type Cover 2 (huge improvement over the Touch Cover --- why did I wait so long????) and was really tempted to pick up a Surface 2. I resisted the urge because, despite the improved performance and higher resolution screen it just wasn't worth the extra expense. That's how content I am with the RT, it meets all my traveling needs even though it's not the speediest thing out there.

Would I buy one again? Sure, although I wouldn't get a Pro since I don't need a desktop replacement, and I prefer the lighter weight and passive cooling of the RT. However, I would recommend the Pro to anybody who doesn't have another computer to run x86 programs.

I'm replying to my own post because I changed my mind and upgraded to the Surface 2. After I had a chance to play with one I decided the enhancements were worth it so I picked up a used 32GB model from an Amazon reseller. I still can't justify one of the Pro versions, not as long as the RT-based Surface meets my work and play needs and I have a good desktop.
I'm replying to my own post because I changed my mind and upgraded to the Surface 2. After I had a chance to play with one I decided the enhancements were worth it so I picked up a used 32GB model from an Amazon reseller. I still can't justify one of the Pro versions, not as long as the RT-based Surface meets my work and play needs and I have a good desktop.

I bought my wife a Surface 2. She was nagging me for a tablet and a laptop (office work primarily) for quite some time. Very pleased with it.
The fun part is that she can also simply plug it into my workstation at home. She doesn't need a laptop anymore now :)
1. Why did you buy a Microsoft Surface tablet?
A: software development on the road to work and back home by train in week days, and at backyard during weekends.

2. Why did you buy the version you bought?
A: Surface Pro 3, i5/256/8, mid level, more power but not too expensive.

3. Are you using it as a main PC or a secondary PC?
A: secondary, I already have a i7 + 128G + 4T + 16G

4. Would you buy it again?
A: Maybe Surface Pro 6 :)

5. Would you recommend your Surface to someone looking for a computer?
A: Absolutely!

6. Are you using it in a way you never expected? What is that way?
A: N/A
I bought my wife a Surface 2. She was nagging me for a tablet and a laptop (office work primarily) for quite some time. Very pleased with it.
The fun part is that she can also simply plug it into my workstation at home. She doesn't need a laptop anymore now :)

I have a 15" work laptop available to me for travel purposes (I'm on the road a lot) but it stays docked on my desk. Since the RTs come with Office and I can access all my work email through the Outlook Web App there is simply no need to carry around a heavier device.

May I ask which cover you got for her? I switched from the Touch cover to the Type cover 2 and it has made a huge difference in typing comfort and speed. I now think it's a must if someone is using a Surface for work purposes.
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1. Why did you buy a Microsoft Surface tablet?
A: I've used windows devices for as long as i can remember, i had been using a Windows Phone device for about a year and liked the interface. I was interested the first time i saw an article about the Surface. It seemed more practical than either iOS or Android devices, thanks (in part) to the micro SD slot and USB functionality, having the choice of using a "designed for" non bluetooth keyboard, and most importantly, it had MS Office included. Sticking to the one ecosystem, also made a lot of sense

2. Why did you buy the version you bought?
A: I bought the RT, 32GB, didn't think I would need much more than that, but if i did (as i did) i could buy a 32GB micro SD card, to bump up my storage.

3. Are you using it as a main PC or a secondary PC?
A: I intended to use it as a secondary, but its become my primary.

4. Would you buy it again?
A: I would happily buy another Surface

5. Would you recommend your Surface to someone looking for a computer?
A: Yes, depending on the person.

6. Are you using it in a way you never expected? What is that way?
A: I expected to use it for office and Internet. But i've ended up using it for games, videos and ebooks
I have a 15" work laptop available to me for travel purposes (I'm on the road a lot) but it stays docked on my desk. Since the RTs come with Office and I can access all my work email through the Outlook Web App there is simply no need to carry around a heavier device.

May I ask which cover you got for her? I switched from the Touch cover to the Type cover 2 and it has made a huge difference in typing comfort and speed. I now think it's a must if someone is using a Surface for work purposes.

No cover actually.
We allready had a type cover from my surface pro, which I barely use. Usually I'm either using it as a tablet or docking with full keyboard. I only take it with me for meetings and stuff. When she actually has something "serious" to do, it's work in an office app 99 times out of 100. And in that case, small screens annoy her anyway. So then she hooks it up on my workstation. A USB cable + micro hdmi and boom: 27" multi-touch screen with mouse, keyb and 8+ free USB ports.

The rest of the time she just uses it as a tablet.
And for the rare occasions that the workstation isn't available, or if she simply is not at home, there's always the type cover that is lying around...
Yep, title says it all. This is just me wanting to share info and see what others think about their decision to buy the Microsoft Surface. I dont work for anyone of import when it comes to consumer electronics. I am a network engineer for an international corporation.

1. Why did you buy a Microsoft Surface tablet?
2. Why did you buy the version you bought?
3. Are you using it as a main PC or a secondary PC?
4. Would you buy it again?
5. Would you recommend your Surface to someone looking for a computer?
6. Are you using it in a way you never expected? What is that way?

For myself:
1. I bought it on a whim, really. I wanted something new to play with and something that was capable of playing some games while on the road without carrying my personal laptop along with a business laptop.
2. Pro 2, 256 GB has the 8 GB RAM. I wanted to be as future proof as I could afford when I bought it.
3. It is a secondary PC. My MBP 17" is my main PC, and my main consumption device is my iPad.
4. I am about 90% sure I would buy it again, if I had to make the same decision.
5. I would, if I thought it would fit a specific need. I don't think it is the right machine for everyone, but it can be useful to a lot of people. It would not be the first machine I would recommend for my parents, but for my sister who is working for a real estate company and has to visit multiple listings every day, it would be near perfect.
6. Yes. It is now a 2nd screen for shooting photography and cinematography. It is nice not to have to that the full computer rig out just to capture images on the fly. And being able to trigger the camera in Lightroom and have the results near instant, makes re-shots quick and painless.

Please keep the "my Surface doesnt work" comments out of this thread please, there are plenty of those threads out there already.

Though I have already responded to your questions and have read your responses and those of the others with great interest, I was wondering if it would be possible to create a chart of sorts to depict the main motivations as to why we have all bought the various Surface devices. Just a thought - if I get the time, I may just create a matrix based on your questions and see what the output looks like.