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Solved Windows Live Mail and Surface

I have Office and Home Student 2013 on my main desktop PC with Windows 7 64it. This uses Windows Live Mail as its e-mail system and until 10 July allowed sent and received messages (from whichever of these three machines) to be seen on both my Android Phone (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and EE) and my Microsoft Surface Tablet (Windows 8-1 RT 32 bit with Outlook) which I bought in January 2013 and which is fully up to date having been Refreshed over the weekend.

Unfortunately messages which appear on my PC and Android are no longer repeated to the Tablet. I have spent four days trying to reestablish the link and on researching this on the Web, this forum and the Microsoft help site but cannot find a solution. The nearest sensible answer I have seen might be the suggestion that support for Windows Live Mail is to be stopped and that this will no longer be linkable with Outlook. If this is the case it seems that I may have no choice but to buy and install Outlook 2016 on my PC. Is this right or is there a work around?

If I do have to install Outlook 2016:-
  1. is there a problem because this seems to be a 32 bit programme whereas my PC is 64 bit?
  2. Can I retain the same e-mail address (my ISP is Virgin Media)?
  3. Will e-mail activity on one machine be automatically duplicated on the other two as before (I think this is called Synchronised but I might be wrong)?
  4. How difficult will it be to transfer records, contacts etc, from Windows Live Mail to Outlook?
Sorry to write at such length about something I suspect is fairly straight forward.

Thank you.

OK remember Windows Live mail is a Email client not an email system. Typically you set up email with your email provider which it sounds like is Virgin Media. You get an email address in the format [email protected]. The address after the @ is the email server on the internet and the ID is what you set up with the provider. When you get an email it's sent to the server name after the @ sign. Now the server is either IMAP or POP3. If IMAP the email is on the server and you view it from the client (you need to sync/refresh to refresh the client but the email remains on the email server). If POP3 the emails are downloaded to your PC and viewed in the client once they are downloaded (Usually with a send and receive). Now I have POP3 and I see the emails on every device and I actually have to login to my email account on the server to delete the older emails when I approach my account limits of email storage space.

There is a setting to delete the (POP3) email on the server that will move the emails to the deleted folder the first time they are downloaded. That isn't your case or you would only be able to see the email on the first client that downloaded the emails.

I have never imported contacts from Live mail to Outlook but there is a Import and Export in Live mail.
Thank you to both of you.

Grey Fox raised as many questions as he answered but the research was really worthwhile.

Orlbuckeye has prompted me try something new along the lines he suggested but I'm afraid I'll have to leave this for a day or two as I have a funeral to attend and a number of family/domestic matters that now need attention. I'll let you know how I fare.

The most important thing at the moment is to remember that Live Mail is being deprecated. You need to move to Outlook.com. It will recognize the same login.
I've now tried a variety of options but with no success. I cannot even use the option in IE on the Surface to upgrade to Outlook 13 as it tells me it cannot find the source (I made sure to copy correctly all the information in Windows LiveMail properties about the in and out servers, the ports etc into the Wizard).

Incidentally, my Windows LiveMail is on an IMAP server with Virgin Media as the email provider (@virginmedia.com is my e mail address).

It is beginning to look as though I shall have to spend the money on upgrading from Windows LiveMail to Outlook as leeshor suggests but should I go to Outlook 2013 or 2016 or won't it matter as far as the Surface is concerned? And is there an issue with the PC being 64Bit and my Surface being I believe 32Bit?

Thank you.

I've now tried a variety of options but with no success. I cannot even use the option in IE on the Surface to upgrade to Outlook 13 as it tells me it cannot find the source (I made sure to copy correctly all the information in Windows LiveMail properties about the in and out servers, the ports etc into the Wizard).

Incidentally, my Windows LiveMail is on an IMAP server with Virgin Media as the email provider (@virginmedia.com is my e mail address).

It is beginning to look as though I shall have to spend the money on upgrading from Windows LiveMail to Outlook as leeshor suggests but should I go to Outlook 2013 or 2016 or won't it matter as far as the Surface is concerned? And is there an issue with the PC being 64Bit and my Surface being I believe 32Bit?

Thank you.

In your original post you indicated you have a Surface RT.

"my Microsoft Surface Tablet (Windows 8-1 RT 32 bit with Outlook) which I bought in January 2013"

This should have Outlook 2013 RT on it already.... look in the all apps list.
As far a I can tell there is NOT a 2016 version available for Windows RT and you will not be able to install an X86 version.

Outlook 2013 should work.

If you have trouble you might want to chat with Microsoft Support to setup for live mail on outlook.com with other domain name @virginmedia.com
Virginmedia support should really be the ones handling this I think. They should have the exact steps for it.

There are online guides but it's not likely to find one with the exact settings so you'd need to understand how to piece it together...
Thank you once again Greyfox.

I've checked the Surface Tablet and find that it is Outlook that is being used for e-mail --- its icon is the reverse of an envelope shown in white on a blue background with no embellishments. Outlook 2013 is available for download from a button with this same icon but bearing a large white O on a blue background that takes over much of the left hand side. This is to be seen beside other buttons for opening such as Word, Excel and This PC which appear along a brown bar across the bottom of a separate black screen which also shows the Recycle Bin within the black area.

Not sure this takes us much further forward but it might help. Would it matter if I installed Outlook 2016 on my main PC or should I install Outlook 2013 instead? And would my PC installation have to be 64 bit or 32 bit to match the Surface installation (the PC is Windows 7 64 bit)?

Any chance of a comment on my last para above please?

Really, none of that should make any difference. It shouldn't hurt anything to mix and match 32/64, 2013/2016 or Windows Mail client. It's the settings that matter but I don't know what they should be.
I think you need to talk to virgin media or Microsoft or both.

Also I searched for Virgin media live mail conversion to outlook etc. it appears Virgin Media is all over the map with mail services and they have been on live mail, google mail, talk talk mail etc. ... so you'll have to get very specific with them and finding someone that knows WTH they are doing may be hit or miss.
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I had an issue with connecting to by main email Brighthouse Networks in the Windows 10 mail using IMAP server. Brighthouse allows you to connect to a POP3 and/or IMAP server and I can connect using the POP3 server in Outlook 2016 on the Surface Book. My Alienware lets me connect using Windows 10 mail to the IMAP server and the POP3 server using Outlook 2013