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Why can't IE allow for WebEx or GO-to Meetings???


New Member
In so many ways I love the Surface RT. Yes, it is missing some very key apps, and can only hope. But I did purchase this for mobility and find it maddening that the current version of Internet Explorer is so very limiting and does not allow for WebEx or Go-to-Meetings. I understand the lack of apps but this is something MS can control now!:mad:
Did you try using the IE in desktop? The two IEs are different and the one accessed through Modern UI doesn't support everything the desktop version does.
In so many ways I love the Surface RT. Yes, it is missing some very key apps, and can only hope. But I did purchase this for mobility and find it maddening that the current version of Internet Explorer is so very limiting and does not allow for WebEx or Go-to-Meetings. I understand the lack of apps but this is something MS can control now!:mad:

The problem is that for WebEx or GoToMeeting to work in the browser, they both need to install plugins and run executable files - this is not possible on Windows RT, period. The price you pay for consistently good battery life, and a user experience that is 'easy to use, hard to break' is that you can't run that kind of stuff.

Now, if Citrix (GoToMeeting) and Cisco (WebEx) or others want to launch Metro apps for their meeting systems, I think we can all safely say that would be very, very welcome! If you rely on these systems, then I strongly urge you to drop a comment or two to the aforementioned companies encouraging them to get to work!

Thanks. I tried both "versions" of IE and yes, ad-on are prohibited. This is a shame and I probably will be dumping the Surface because I can do both beautifully with the iPad. Business and educator users really need this stuff and Skype is not it.
Yes, if you need add-ons then it won't work. I'm sure Citrix and Cisco are working on the appropriate apps for Windows RT and would be very surprised if there isn't a solution fairly soon. Some of these things are just going to take time.

Just checked on the GoToMeeting website User Community and this question has been asked the reply was something Q1 2013
Skype is the best alternative though I realize that doesn't help you if your business eco-system already uses those products. I think MS made a mistake not launching the PRO at the same time as the RT. I for one would have purchased the PRO if it had been available. So far nothing out there looks interesting enough to buy as a pro device. There are many advertised and almost nothing that you can actually buy....
attention go to the gotomeeting site > Support > Ast the Community. Search for Surface Windows RT support and add your voice. like all other thinks in life the more that what the sooner it happens.
Thanks. I tried both "versions" of IE and yes, ad-on are prohibited. This is a shame and I probably will be dumping the Surface because I can do both beautifully with the iPad. Business and educator users really need this stuff and Skype is not it.

you do it on the iPad with an app, correct? You have the same problem on the iPad as the Surface - add-ons are not allowed. The app ecosystem is just advanced to the point that there is an app for it on the iPad. The problem here isnt the Surface, its the lack of app support from Webex and GotoMeeting.