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Why does my metro IE save/download files WITHOUT a . separator??

Okay, I know I am all over the place, sorry. It's just very confusing constantly switching from IE metro / desktop metro / Opera desktop etc etc....

Im trying to install Adblock plus on my METRO IE, as it is already installed on my desktop IE. Now I assume some will say 'it's already supposed to be installed', but the ads are not showing up under desktop IE; and they ARE showing up under metro IE.

Here is a screenie of what happens when I attempt to download this or any other .exe file. See toward to bottom of the screen.
What are you using for Antivirus?
Microsoft Sec. Essentials - the best there is.

Ok, so I just tried to download the same adblock.exe file whilst in the 'desktop' version of IE, and it shows the extension '.EXE'; this seems to be an issue exclusively with metro IE.

Has anyone else tried to go to the adblockplus site as I instructed with metro IE and attempt to DL the file?
Does metro IE even support ad-ons? I thought it didn't.

If you download via MUI IE, despite what it tells you in MUI IE, how is the file actually saved when you open up the downloads folder in my computer?
Microsoft Sec. Essentials - the best there is.

Ok, so I just tried to download the same adblock.exe file whilst in the 'desktop' version of IE, and it shows the extension '.EXE'; this seems to be an issue exclusively with metro IE.

Has anyone else tried to go to the adblockplus site as I instructed with metro IE and attempt to DL the file?
I use Adblock Plus and don't recall having any issues downloading it--probably because it's for Desktop IE so that's what I used to download it.

Nevertheless, I just went to the site using MUI IE, clicked on the green "Install for Internet Explorer" button, got the "what do you want to do?" prompt, selected Save, and then the file saved as adblockplusie-1.3.exe no problem.
Microsoft Sec. Essentials - the best there is.

Ok, so I just tried to download the same adblock.exe file whilst in the 'desktop' version of IE, and it shows the extension '.EXE'; this seems to be an issue exclusively with metro IE.

Has anyone else tried to go to the adblockplus site as I instructed with metro IE and attempt to DL the file?

Yes, I did. See post#12.
EXE file is named as usual as you can see from my screenshot. I dont know why you are not getting the period before the extension but are you able to run it as is? If not, try renaming it manually.


  • screenshot.png
    239 KB · Views: 491
Yes, of course I can rename is manually and all that jazz, but it definitely deducts from the overall user experience when you select "run" and nothing happens.

To address a few of the questions:

I am using MS sec. essentials, have it on the 'normal' settings.

When I attempt to execute the file (double click on it), I get a dialogue box asking me what do I want to use to open up the file (as windows does not recognize the extension; and rightfully so).
Well this certainly sounds like something you've done with your machine, this is not normal windows behaviour.
Yes, of course I can rename is manually and all that jazz, but it definitely deducts from the overall user experience when you select "run" and nothing happens.

To address a few of the questions:

I am using MS sec. essentials, have it on the 'normal' settings.

When I attempt to execute the file (double click on it), I get a dialogue box asking me what do I want to use to open up the file (as windows does not recognize the extension; and rightfully so).

A couple things.

First, Security Essentials is not "the best there is". Not sure if you being sarcastic there or not.

Second, to set up ad blocking in Metro IE, look for the "tracking protection" setup info in the Internet Explorer link in my sig.