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Major battery drain during standby


Active Member
The battery life on my Surface Pro 3 has been taking a major hit lately.
I'll charge it to 100%, use it for a few minutes, then put it in Standby Mode.
When I come back a few hours later, my battery level is around 65%.
I did a Refresh, but it continues to drain.
I'm wondering if I need to do a complete erase and start completely over.
Anyone experienced this issue?
The battery life on my Surface Pro 3 has been taking a major hit lately.
I'll charge it to 100%, use it for a few minutes, then put it in Standby Mode.
When I come back a few hours later, my battery level is around 65%.
I did a Refresh, but it continues to drain.
I'm wondering if I need to do a complete erase and start completely over.
Anyone experienced this issue?
What does your Sleep Study show?

Elevated CMD Prompt

powercfg /sleepstudy

Copy sleepstudy.html from System32 to your profile
Same issue with me. It just started a few days ago. 100% to 5% in only a few hours of sleep/standby! Checked my battery report which says that during connected standby, it constantly becomes active, then standby, then active, etc. My sleep study is attached. Please help!


  • sleepstudy-report.html.pdf
    173.4 KB · Views: 1,706
Check if there was a desktop apps running in the background, go check the system tray as well. Try a sleepstudy with absolutely no desktop apps running in the background. Make sure no hidden desktop apps running in the background by checking on the Task Manager.

If it didn't work, try checking the Device Manager, something could be wrong there as well. Since the WLAN card (Marvell AVASTAR Network Controller) was active the whole time, go check that one first. Make sure that "Wake on pattern match" is enabled (the second tab).

However, my suspicion lies on a desktop app, since the WLAN card is not the only thing that was active in the majority of the time
Same issue with me. It just started a few days ago. 100% to 5% in only a few hours of sleep/standby! Checked my battery report which says that during connected standby, it constantly becomes active, then standby, then active, etc. My sleep study is attached. Please help!
PLM phase and network adapter is 100% active. It looks like a Metro app was not shutting down properly. Do you have an internet radio app or something similar that can stream data in the background? Delete it temporarily and see if things improve, then reinstall later.
Thanks so much for the responses!

ptrkhh, I dont think there were any running apps, but I did shut down and restart the SP3, and it didnt get better. Unless the app is running automatically on startup. But im gonna keep on monitoring my task manager. Thanks for the tip. Also, I checked that "wake on pattern match" is enabled too (it was). Anyway, most importantly, he's my most recent sleep report after I restarted again. Im not sure what changed, but the report looks a bit different.

nipponham, I actually dont think i have apps like that - at least not that ive been using recently. Ill double check though.

The strange thing about this all is that it just started 2 days ago and i can't think of anything that ive done differently recently... no new app downloads, etc. The only thing i think of is that i recently started using an external display. Is it possible that when i disconnected the hardware, some sort of software/driver (that was enabled with the connection) continued to run in the background even afterwards?


  • sleepstudy-report.html (1).pdf
    384.6 KB · Views: 1,232
Yes, you're report looks much better, since 17:30 your local time. The reboot might have helped in shutting down a "stuck" program. I doubt using an external display had anything to do with it, (but you never know with hardware drivers...) Use it as is for a couple days and see if things are better, then connect it to your display again to make sure it doesn't go pear-shaped. If it does, at least we'll know the culprit...

The only thing i think of is that i recently started using an external display. Is it possible that when i disconnected the hardware, some sort of software/driver (that was enabled with the connection) continued to run in the background even afterwards?
Do you use the external display with a special hardware, e.g. USB monitor adapter? If you connected it with the DisplayPort, there is basically no need for any additional program/driver, and there shouldn't be any additional program running.

EDIT: I just saw your sleepstudy report. Don't worry about yellow entries, my sleepstudy report is dominated by yellow entries as well. I guess that's simply because of the not-so-efficient Haswell chip. If you have lots of lockscreen apps, email accounts, and tiles, the device would inevitably need some juice to get all those things up to date. But, seriously, dont worry. Anything 0.5%-1% per hour is categorized as yellow in sleepstudy, yet I would say that its still acceptable. Heck, my Android tablet uses more than that on standby.
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Just a regular display from the display port.

Ok, ill keep you posted after a few days of monitoring. I sincerely appreciate both of your time/effort in helping me with this. Thank you!