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Purpose of the SP3 forum?

OK All....I think we've made the points we were trying to convey.... let's get back to discussing the Surface Line of Products instead of discussing how we are going to discuss on the topic of the Surface Line of Products... :D
What I learned was that, not everyone has the same experience and it all can be relevant without trying to own a forum.
Well, that's the beauty of Internet. If you don't like something, in this case this forum, you can start your own one.
OK All....I think we've made the points we were trying to convey.... let's get back to discussing the Surface Line of Products instead of discussing how we are going to discuss on the topic of the Surface Line of Products... :D
Sorry too late.
Again, everyone's daggers are to be put back into their scabbard and lets use the nice rounded silverware that King Louis set before us.... thanks.
Going back to the initial question and the supposed to be topic ;)

I think that the purpose of this forum is to have a place where Surface owners can share their experience "with these devices" and find help when they need it.

Most of your post was way off base. None of the moderators are taking sides, far from it. To call any of us FanBoys is ludicrous. I also think you read jnjroach totally wrong re WP Central. If you are having a problem with civil discourse then we may have a real problem. Comparisons are OK but no bashing of other products. It's uncalled for.

We have never deleted a post here just because it was negative and there are plenty of them here but you also need to know where to draw a line. Moderators and Admins are here to maintain order, which is what we are attempting to do.

Now that I'm speaking to a different mod/admin, can you please tell me what portions of my post was off base? I'm referencing the "So long SP3 Friends" thread as that's where all this started. I simply gave my opinions about what I liked about the SP3 and what I didn't like about the SP3. So I'm just curious on what was off base? I don't quite understand how that is off topic, generic or debating which device is better as nothing in my post did anything of the sort.

Also, your link to the forum guidelines doesn't work. Can you re-post.
Now that I'm speaking to a different mod/admin, can you please tell me what portions of my post was off base? I'm referencing the "So long SP3 Friends" thread as that's where all this started. I simply gave my opinions about what I liked about the SP3 and what I didn't like about the SP3. So I'm just curious on what was off base? I don't quite understand how that is off topic, generic or debating which device is better as nothing in my post did anything of the sort.

Link to forum guidelines and code of conduct:
Lee was referring to your post in this thread, your other thread was locked not due to your original post but because the overall direction and tone the thread took was no longer helpful or beneficial to the community.
Now that I'm speaking to a different mod/admin, can you please tell me what portions of my post was off base? I'm referencing the "So long SP3 Friends" thread as that's where all this started. I simply gave my opinions about what I liked about the SP3 and what I didn't like about the SP3. So I'm just curious on what was off base? I don't quite understand how that is off topic, generic or debating which device is better as nothing in my post did anything of the sort.

Also, your link to the forum guidelines doesn't work. Can you re-post.
It was pretty much all of post #12 in this thread. I might add that some other members weren't all that pleased with it either

Guidelines link is now working.
Seriously guys? That much of a problem over such a matter? OK, so someone or a group of people don't like the SP3. They have legitimate (or not - as the case may be) issues with it. Fine! They can start a thread, vent and then do what they feel is best., The rest who are satisfied (or new) users can focus in on what they need - information, shared experiences, tech assistance, workarounds, etc. etc.

I read that thread that "douglasfurs" is referring to. And, I'd say that he is entitled to his opinion and, any ways, how can someone's personal experience be contested? The caveat is that the tone and language should be civil. Of course, the thread deteriorated very quickly.

But to ask someone to leave the forum for expressing a point of view is not very cool. What are we - SP3 users - afraid of? Contrary opinion? I sure hope not! That is what I usually see on Mac Forums, where people are often derided for even asking whether the iPad is a suitable device for a specific use-case scenario (obviously there are exceptions to this and not everybody on the Mac Forums is like this). Rather, I'd personally prefer to see contrary opinions as long as they are well-reasoned and politely expressed and as long as the person expressing such an opinion is willing to engage with others who may contest such opinions - again in a polite and civil manner.

Oh...and I better add my "considered opinion" - expressed in a polite and civil manner: I think - and this has also been my experience since June 20th 2014 that the SP3 is (aside from the ThinkPad X201) one of the best machines I have ever used!

Edit: I would also like to cast my vote of confidence in Jeff on 3 counts (though he sure as hell does not need any endorsement) - (1) as an Admin on this forum; (2) as someone who knows a lot about MS devices and services (to steal Ballmer's phrase!); and (3) for being one of the most helpful guys I have encountered on any forum regardless of how inane the question may be (I should know! I have often PM'd him such questions which he has always responded to with the greatest of patience and care!).
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Seriously guys? That much of a problem over such a matter? OK, so someone or a group of people don't like the SP3. They have legitimate (or not - as the case may be) issues with it. Fine! They can start a thread, vent and then do what they feel is best., The rest who are satisfied (or new) users can focus in on what they need - information, shared experiences, tech assistance, workarounds, etc. etc.

I read that thread that "douglasfurs" is referring to. And, I'd say that he is entitled to his opinion and, any ways, how can someone's personal experience be contested? The caveat is that the tone and language should be civil. Of course, the thread deteriorated very quickly.

But to ask someone to leave the forum for expressing a point of view is not very cool. What are we - SP3 users - afraid of? Contrary opinion? I sure hope not! That is what I usually see on Mac Forums, where people are often derided for even asking whether the iPad is a suitable device for a specific use-case scenario (obviously there are exceptions to this and not everybody on the Mac Forums is like this). Rather, I'd personally prefer to see contrary opinions as long as they are well-reasoned and politely expressed and as long as the person expressing such an opinion is willing to engage with others who may contest such opinions - again in a polite and civil manner.

Oh...and I better add my "considered opinion" - expressed in a polite and civil manner: I think - and this has also been my experience since June 20th 2014 that the SP3 is (aside from the ThinkPad X201) one of the best machines I have ever used!

Edit: I would also like to cast my vote of confidence in Jeff on 3 counts (though he sure as hell does not need any endorsement) - (1) as an Admin on this forum; (2) as someone who knows a lot about MS devices and services (to steal Ballmer's phrase!); and (3) for being one of the most helpful guys I have encountered on any forum regardless of how inane the question may be (I should know! I have often PM'd him such questions which he has always responded to with the greatest of patience and care!).

I really appreciate the fact that you took a look at the original thread that started this mess and actually read it. Honestly thank you for actually reading it and getting it and seeing that it wasn't a debate and it wasn't a bashing and they it was my personal opinion on the matter posted in an on topic thread because hey, I owned an SP3 for 29 days and have had hands on experience with it. This is a surface pro forum not a you must be Pro surface forum. Now we can get back to discussions!