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Surface Book Battery and GPU Problems


New Member
Hello All!

I got my Surface Book last Christmas and have loved it every since, despite the bugs of course. Recently I have noticed that it has been dying quicker than usual and I noticed that when I click on the battery icon in the taskbar that battery 1 says "Not Present". That is the battery in the keyboard (AKA, all the batteries). I'm not sure if this is lying to me or it literally isn't using battery 1. Another problem that made me think this is happening is that my computer frequently cannot detect the nvidia DGPU in the keyboard. It isn't in Device Manager and doesn't load Nvidia Control Panel. It does sometimes, but doesn't a lot of the time. Has anyone else had these problems or am I just crazy?
@Zasmussen ,

I think you have a connection problem to the battery, which may be as simple as dust or dirt or debris in the connector ports. Place a dry cloth over the connecting slot (to filter out moisture) then blow through the cloth with various velocities of breath. Also gently but thoroughly wipe the male end of connectors of your Surface Book base unit, and the charger blade.

Then connect up and charge up.

If all of this makes no change, do a Hard Reset:

1) Hold power button for 25 seconds. Don't release early, even if you see the screen go black or the keyboard dim. Machine will completely shut down. Release.
2) Press and hold power and VolumeUp buttons simultaneously until you see the "Surface" logo on the screen. Release both buttons. Machine will start into the UEFI menu.
3) Exit the UEFI menu either by touch or by touchpad. Machine will restart.

Let us know how that goes. If no improvement, we will start looking into some firmware issue having to do with battery recharge.
I thoroughly cleaned the male and female connectors on the computer and did the cold reboot, but I still only have one battery and no dedicated GPU. It's weird that I am still able to connect the top side and use my keyboard, yet it doesn't get a connection to the battery or GPU.
I thoroughly cleaned the male and female connectors on the computer and did the cold reboot, but I still only have one battery and no dedicated GPU. It's weird that I am still able to connect the top side and use my keyboard, yet it doesn't get a connection to the battery or GPU.

Sounds like a Hardware issue to me, I'm sure if you demonstrated this to a Microsoft employee in a Microsoft store they'd have no problem replacing the unit for you.
Yes if there is a store around you that is the first place to go if you want the replacement quick. You can go online an they will start a chat window and will create a case to ship it to I believe Texas. That could take a week or so although shipping to and from is overnight.
They do have an advanced RMA option in which they send you the new device before you send them yours, I have to do that as they don't carry the 1tb model in stores. But assuming you don't have the 1tb model going into the store is a step easier as they will replace it immediately after diagnosis.

Advanced RMA usually takes less than a week to complete and you're never without a Surface Book, so if you're super busy and can't be without your Book because of school or work this is a great option. It does however place a hold on your card for the same amount of the device that is removed as soon as they receive the broken device.
You are referring to standard RMA I am referring to advanced RMA, I've used the option twice. They place a hold on a card of your choice and then send you the replacement model before you send them the defective model.

However both options are available, the risk with advanced RMA is if they find your device isn't defective they charge your card for the price of the new device they sent you.
That wasn't offered to me. Actually I took it to the Microsoft store after recovering it from being stolen. The person poured water on it and it wouldn't turn on. They tech at the MS store told to contact MS support and they sent me a mailing label via email. Then I got an email a couple of days later it was approved for replacement. I was not notified of an advanced RMA option.
If you visit Microsoft's Surface RMA page you're given the option after the first 4 steps:
Microsoft Surface Repair Service | Surface Service Order

I imagine you called in, Or had a live chat with someone? Maybe they didn't know of the option or just assumed you'd prefer the standard one, not sure.

I did the in chat. I wouldn't have selected advanced anyways as I was reimbursed fully for the damaged one and wasn't sure if the would approve the replacement. I bought the extended warranty on the new one and they said they will replace right in the store. I'm lucky as there are 2 MS stores in Orlando.