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Surface on TV


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I'm sure there used to be a "spot the surface" thread but I couldn't find it so apologies if this has already been posted.

Surface devices pop up a lot on TV these days, but did anyone else notice the continuity error involving a Surface Book laptop in Daredevil season 3...

Karen Page is talking to her boss and she gets up and closes her Surface laptop . Next cut the laptop is open behind her and she begins to work on it again..
THAT's the one. I knew there was one somewhere but I tried searching "spot the surface" and "surface on TV and drew a blank...

All a bit quiet in there though - last post 2014 lol.
I'm sure there used to be a "spot the surface" thread but I couldn't find it so apologies if this has already been posted.

Surface devices pop up a lot on TV these days, but did anyone else notice the continuity error involving a Surface Book laptop in Daredevil season 3...

Karen Page is talking to her boss and she gets up and closes her Surface laptop . Next cut the laptop is open behind her and she begins to work on it again..
I'm sure there used to be a "spot the surface" thread but I couldn't find it so apologies if this has already been posted.

Surface devices pop up a lot on TV these days, but did anyone else notice the continuity error involving a Surface Book laptop in Daredevil season 3...

Karen Page is talking to her boss and she gets up and closes her Surface laptop . Next cut the laptop is open behind her and she begins to work on it again..
They also use Windows Lumia Phones on Hawaii 5-0. They give the impression that you can take a snapshot of a fingerprint from about 20 feet away with your Lumia & send it to the crime labs for fast ID. I like the comedy aspect of the show.
I have been seeing a lot more Surface devices in my travels lately, I think that will increase with the new releases and the holiday season approaching. Of course if you are a fan of NFL football, you see them everywhere since Surface became the official device of the NFL
Sometimes they get a bad rap with the NFL as with the time Belichek threw the Surface. The issue was a network issue and not the device itself.