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The type covers are dust magnets


And get dirty so easy! How often do you guys clean yours and what do you use? I just use micro fibre towel with a bit of water and rub. And I use canned air on the keys, Im shocked to see how dust gets in between the keys so easy.

Its definitely a lot more maintenance than a regular laptop keyboard because of the fabric. This is why Im always cleaning the screen of the SP3, because when you put the cover on top, the dust just falls into the keys.
Had mine for 6 months and used it every day, haven't had a need to so much as wipe it yet.
My problem isn't dust but rather the appearance of of oily residue on the keys from my fingerprints.

When that happens, I just disconnect it and rub them off with a dry cloth.
I've never had to blow anything out on my keyboard and I've used it since the SP3 came out. At first my type cover exhibited a little of what you're describing but after brushing it clean with my hands and a few months of use, it doesn't seem to show the dust as much anymore. I also found that a micro fiber cloth works pretty good on the cover. I didn't try wetting it though.
And get dirty so easy! How often do you guys clean yours and what do you use? I just use micro fibre towel with a bit of water and rub. And I use canned air on the keys, Im shocked to see how dust gets in between the keys so easy.

Its definitely a lot more maintenance than a regular laptop keyboard because of the fabric. This is why Im always cleaning the screen of the SP3, because when you put the cover on top, the dust just falls into the keys.

I've never had any kind of issues with mine that would warrant a complaint. From time to time stuff does get on the cover, but a couple of brushes with a towel cleans it right up.
After I wipe the display with a microfiber misted with a 50/50 solution of distilled water and white vinegar, I use the slightly damp cloth to wipe down the keyboard. I’ve never needed to dust the typecover, inside or out.

I don’t know what kind of dusty environment you use SP3 in, but I don’t see how it would collect more dust than other appliances.
FYI I ruined my 1st keyboard using Lysol wipes once to clean the trackpad. I wiped it very lightly, but for some reasons a little bit of liquid must have gone inside it. Trackpad broken.

After being very honnest with MS and telling them what happened with the Lysol wipes, they got me an exchange for free.

Use wet wipes with care.
I just don't like fuzzy toilet seats or dashboards, or keyboards.
So my keyboard stays clean and good looking with Stickerboy.


I've been using my Type keyboards with my SPI for about 2 years and have no problem with it getting even as dirty as my regular desktop keyboard.

But the desktop DOES get more use but I see no reason for the Type keyboard to get dirtier that any other keyboard.

Mine is black though so perhaps it hides dirt better.

For that matter I've been using this Logitech G-15 gaming keyboard for probably 5 or 6 years now and have never cleaned it although I was thinking about it not too long ago. I can see a lot of crud on the sides of the keys === the tops get constant wear which keeps them clean. Hmmm, just looked at it and it doesn't look that bad. Seems to be a matter of lighting conditions how bad it looks. But the Type keyboard looks real clean to me after 2 years.