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Top 5 Killer Apps


Super Moderator
What are the top 5 killer apps you would like to see on Surface? I'll get it started.

1. Netflix (we already know it is coming).
2. Google Currents (what can I say I really like it as a reader)
3. Google Voice (to keep up with my contacts)
4. The Impossible Game (can't get enough of it)
5. Tango (video calling)
1. Odin.
2. Avast.
3. One Note.
4. Skype.
5. Google Music.
6. VLC.
7. Lite version of Photoshop.
8. Kies Air.
9. Handwritten notes app.
10. Windows Blinds or similar app.
1. Odin.
2. Avast.
3. One Note.
4. Skype.
5. Google Music.
6. VLC.
7. Lite version of Photoshop.
8. Kies Air.
9. Handwritten notes app.
10. Windows Blinds or similar app.

You are only supposed to use one hand to count to 5, not both!
Obviously there are many choices. I made some basic assumptions though to help focus on apps that I would want to see in the market.

1. Office Apps (including One Note) are already included.
2. Anti-virus isn't really an app (although this could be more important than ever with Windows based machines).

I am surprised the following haven't been mentioned.

Twitter (could have core integration a la WP)
Facebook (same as above)
Draw Something
Words With Friends
Angry Birds
I guess I assumed Twitter and Facebook were just a given LOL

Instagram and Words with friends are great too
Maybe...other 5 apps will be his fav bloatware :crazy:

you know that poses a good question, will their be bloatware on it? I sure hope MS is smart of enough to not add that crap, or your going to have a lot of unhappy consumers. Then your going to have some Dev rooting the surface to remove all that crap.

Anyways my type five apps:

1)MS Office Suite
3)Xbox Smart Glass
5)Either Google Maps or Ndrive (For Driving directions)
It should not have bloat ware. Bloat ware is something third party OEMs add. In fact you can buy Microsoft Signature devices which ship without the bloat ware as MS intended. That being said they did have to work with the telcos on WP that led to some bloat ware.

Similarly #5 will probably be "Nokia Maps" which you may or may not consider bloat ware since MS has announced that Nokia is now their provider of maps. That is not to say you can't still get maps from other parties such as Google or Ndrive. I would also list Google Maps as an app I want.
I attended a Microsoft dog and pony show about 2 weeks ago, (RT on a tablet) and the only thing the Microsoft tech was interested in was Cut The Rope ;)