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Question about IE10 - Modern and Desktop version


Well-Known Member
Hi all...

Is the following case even possible?

Can the Modern version of IE10 NOT open a site while the desktop version of IE 10 (on the same machine) open the same website? This seems to be happening to me on my desktop machine!!!! I tested the site on my Surface RT and the site does not open on IE10 on that too.

Here is what I did - I entered "Lancaster university" in Google. It is the first result that comes up. I clicked on that. I did this in IW10 desktop (desktop machine), IE10 modern UI (Metro), IE10 (on the Surface RT).

How can this be possible? This may mean that there are sites which the Modern UI version of IE10 is not rendering, which is a problem, to say the least.

Any help/ insights on this would be most helpful.

Thanks in advance.
This does happen, the Browser String on the Modern UI version of IE is unrecognized by poorly coded sites or sites that use older code. From what I have investigated, some sites when they query the Modern UI version that try to redirect it to a mobile site or error page that the Modern UI sees as a cross-site scripting attack. Other sites are using older JavaScript that worked on older versions of IE but that isn't supported on the Modern UI IE.
This does happen, the Browser String on the Modern UI version of IE is unrecognized by poorly coded sites or sites that use older code. From what I have investigated, some sites when they query the Modern UI version that try to redirect it to a mobile site or error page that the Modern UI sees as a cross-site scripting attack. Other sites are using older JavaScript that worked on older versions of IE but that isn't supported on the Modern UI IE.

Wow! Thanks. Any way around this? Because if the only machine I have on me is the Surface RT, this could end up being an operational problem, if you know what I mean.

Edit: Actually, no, it may be inconvenient but not necessarily an operational block because of IE desktop on the Surface - one of the few times that I have been grateful for the desktop option on the Surface RT!!!!! (aside from accessing Office, of course!)
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Unfortunately it will be this way for awhile as web sites update their code, as more sites convert to HTML 5 will see less of these issues.