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Sad Reality of Apple's Users

And? I don't understand dhow people have trouble picking up a windows computer and just using it. Everyone in my family seems to be able to just jump on a windows computer and use it without an issue.

See my previous post. Ease of use is just a subjective argument if you ask me. I find ios to be utterly unintuitive and illogical. How does your children being able to use it invalidate my (and my parents) experience?

Nope. Ease of use is subjective because you're sitting on a computer forum which clearly puts you in the geek category and out of touch with the average person who is computer illiterate enough to open a file in an email that we would all clearly realise is a virus.

My 1 yr old could work out how to use an iPad before she could even control a mouse, let alone drive a PC. If you find an iPad unintuitive you probably have bigger things to worry about.
Nope. Ease of use is subjective because you're sitting on a computer forum which clearly puts you in the geek category and out of touch with the average person who is computer illiterate enough to open a file in an email that we would all clearly realise is a virus.

My 1 yr old could work out how to use an iPad before she could even control a mouse, let alone drive a PC. If you find an iPad unintuitive you probably have bigger things to worry about.

i guess you missed the part where i stated my computer illiterate parents couldn't just use it..

I like what youve done there though. I guess im just an idiot because i don't apple intuitive. Rather pathetic to have to result to personal attacks when someone claims an alternative experience to your own...
Nope. I'm calling Bull

I.e. If a two year old can work out how to use it, I'm pretty sure you can.

I'm trying to point out that you've probably drunk the Microsoft cool aid one too many times if you're trying to go down the subjective path for usability on the Surface Pro vs iPad. I'm seen the iPad knocked for a lot of things but usability isn't one.
Nope. I'm calling Bullsh*t

I.e. If a two year old can work out how to use it, I'm pretty sure you can.

I'm trying to point out that you've probably drunk the Microsoft cool aid one too many times if you're trying to go down the subjective path for usability on the Surface Pro vs iPad. I'm seen the iPad knocked for a lot of things but usability isn't one.

Oh, so now i'm a liar as well. You're really putting forward a convincing argument here. I, and both my parents found nothing intuitive about ios. Sorry that upsets you.
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No. I'm not calling your a liar AND an idiot, I'm calling you one or the other. The other option is you may not understand what intuitive actually means, which I guess is also a possibility. I could also have used the term exaggerator but I don't want to give you the benefit of the doubt just yet. When you saying "nothing intuitive" that could easily be construed as an exaggeration. I'm mean, let's be realistic, what part couldn't you understand when you picked it up? The touch with your finger to open an app? The swipe left, swipe right? The pinch in or out to zoom? The swipe up and down to scroll up and down? How about uninstalling? Was holding down that finger for a second way less intuitive than going to the uninstall section in windows, finding the app and uninstalling?

Maybe it wasn't really an iPad? Maybe it was just a plastic iPad cover which may explain why it didn't turn on.
The thread is about to go sideways again. This forum is intended to help people get questions answered and provide information. Any additional appearance of name calling will get the thread locked or removed.
I think it is all about what architecture you grew up using. I have used everything and prefer Android & Windows to Apple. A large part of that goes back to the first iPod I had and they locked down the music I purchased so that I could only use it on apple products. That really pissed me off...LOL Additionally I do tend to find them overpriced for the most part. Plus with Android I have a lot of selection of mobile devices, and with Windows on the computer side of things. Apple can not compete with nor do they try to. IMO
Another aimless "We're Number 1" discussion.

The best OS is the one you use.
Same goes for cameras, cars, cookies, computers...

I like apples and oranges.
I like pizza and burgers.
They have different roles.
What is best changes with my needs at the moment.
Without wishing to fan the flames in this thread I'm another who finds IOS totally unintuitive.
This is most likely because I've grown up with a totally different experience, from a C64 through Amiga to Windows.
To give a couple of examples I have a work supplied Ipad Mini which is the only Apple device I've ever had in my possession, due to the poorly coded work apps I have to use on it the memory is forever getting fragmented and the battery drains like its power is going out of fashion.
When I asked our "head of IT" (I captioned that because he's an idiot and me as a mere tinkerer could run rings around his IT knowledge) about these problems I was told well just shut the app down then restart it,
I had to ask how to shut an app down to be greeted by a very long sigh and sarcastically be told "tap the home button twice then scroll to the icon of the app then swipe it up".
When this failed to cure any issues I was then told to delete the app and reinstall it which I again had to ask how to do,
I got an even more sarcastic answer telling me to hold down on the app icon until the screen started to shake then press the red X in the corner of the icon to delete it.
Maybe its me but how are both of those procedures intuitive?

I've had no trouble figuring out how Android works (although my uses on my phone are limited so I've probably only scratched the surface of it) but IOS is a foreign unintuitive beast to me.

Oh and if anyone is in any doubt if our IT guy is an idiot when my Ipad decided to delete my login to the email service I found out that the password for our company's entire mail server is ....... password !
I bought an iPad 2 in 2011 and agree with those feel the iPad is easy to learn and use. But, IMHO, that's because it can do so little. There are many things that are difficult or impossible to do on an iPad, but your average iPad user probably doesn't realize that they are possible on other tablets and computers.

I remember going crazy trying to figure out how to attach a file to an email only to learn that it was impossible on the iPad (it may be possible now, but wasn't back then). Obviously, Apple in it's omnipotence assumed that iPad users would never need or want to attach a file when they responded to an email. About six months later, I bought a Nook HD+ and found that it could do so many things that the iPad could not, but cost less than one third the price.

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