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Surface Pro 6 restarts with 75% battery level

When the battery was showing 75% at startup, it would take a short while (15-20 mins?) to reach 100%. What was actually happening to change the % if the battery was actually already at 100% (or close to it)? Was the SP6 misreading 100% as 75% at boot/restart and then repeatedly proceeding to overcharge the battery for 15-20 mins?

The reason I ask is I wonder if it caused the screen bulge on my SP6. I only started to notice the 75% battery indication a short while ago, and during that time first noticed the screen bulge. i.e. Was the SP6 potentially damaging the battery causing it to bulge and press against the screen?
I think, with the firmware update I got yesterday, this issue may be resolved. I have not been able to make it occur since installing the update. And I've tried many times since. The first thing I did after installing the update, though, was to do a deep battery drain, taking it down to 7%, then charged it to 100%. I did this in case the charging circuitry needed to be re-calibrated. I am cautiously optimistic.
The Surface System Aggregator – Firmware helps improve battery life.

Wow! I LITERALLY just installed this firmware update tonight even though I never experienced the issue, but good to know that it fixes the "75% battery after charging to 100% and shutting down" issue!

The battery drain seems still to be an issue for the surface pro 4, at least to my SP4 i5 8 GB RAM after latest firmware update. How can this be? Of course I will never buy a >1000 € windows laptop again before this issue is not resolved, this is more than a bad joke and looks like planned obsolescence.
The battery drain seems still to be an issue for the surface pro 4, at least to my SP4 i5 8 GB RAM after latest firmware update. How can this be? Of course I will never buy a >1000 € windows laptop again before this issue is not resolved, this is more than a bad joke and looks like planned obsolescence.

Two completely different pieces of hardware. A firmware update. I'm sure the issue will be fixed for the Surface Pro 4, but just because it has not been fixed yet does not mean it won't ever be fixed. It took the Surface Pro 3s a long time to get the fix as well. I never experienced the issue at all on my Surface Pro 6 despite plenty of other members claiming they were. Is that planned obsolecenese too? I am sure there are several other Surface Pro 4 users that do not experience this issue so they do not feel the "planned obsolescence" you are feeling.