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Windows 10 question


New Member
Hi guys!
I am new to the forum, so apologies if I am breaking any rules by posting this.
I have a surface pro 3, almost a year now with it and absolutely love it, its got windows 8.1 proudly running on it. When windows 10 came out I installed it a couple of months after launch. What I noticed was the fan whirring all the time, the battery being awful and the device being very warm most of the time, I decided to give it a go anyway for a couple weeks until I just got fed up and went back to win 8.1. Now I'm getting the [pesky] urge to try windows 10 on the device again!
What have your impressions been with all the updates and upgrades that win 10 has gone through, is it any better or should I just stay with win 8.1

Won't know til you try, but I find it far superior to 8.1. Battery life is now comprable in my experience, and it runs just great. My experience is my experience though, you'll need to get your own.
Won't know til you try, but I find it far superior to 8.1. Battery life is now comprable in my experience, and it runs just great. My experience is my experience though, you'll need to get your own.
I know what you mean, my previous experience with the OS wasn't very good, hence the hesitation in making the jump again.
I've been running Win10 on my SP3 since it released in July and since installing the latest build it is very stable now. I don't have any issues with performance or battery life, and even though YMMV I say go for it.
I know what you mean, my previous experience with the OS wasn't very good, hence the hesitation in making the jump again.

My opinion is biased in this discussion as personally I've been in love with win 10 since it was first released to insiders. Stuck it on every machine I own and I've ever looked back.
I've been running Win10 on my SP3 since it released in July and since installing the latest build it is very stable now. I don't have any issues with performance or battery life, and even though YMMV I say go for it.
its day two of win 10 for me, the fan seems to be running a bit more than i am used to but mabe it will settle down, downloading all the cloud files and installing programmes could be doing this.
Thanks guys, just posting my own updates here now lol. I have noticed that when idly browsing, not using too much resources, the top left corner where the processor is probably get much warmer than it used to on windows 8.1, when it would never get warm at all. Early days
Maybe your Surface is just warming up to it's owner. Mine is always warm near the top right hand side in back of the screen. BTW I have owned different Surfaces since the first one (RT) came out in 2012 and have never heard a fan once on any of them. I still have all of them.